Thursday, July 22, 2010

The Secret in the Lake

Hi, Earth Agents!



Something new is coming to Woogi World, but it’s so TOP SECRET that its inventors won’t even tell me what it is!



The secret project begins here:



Many of you may remember this place as
the spot of a tragic accident in March:



Even now, if you click on the lake and try to swim inside,
all you’ll see are the remains of the Valentine Factory:



But way down inside its watery depths,
the lake hides a BIG secret...


There’s a highly classified Woogi World testing facility
filled with new gadgets, gizmos, and devices!


Thanks to his amazing lung power and incredible diving skills,
one of my Woogi spies was lucky enough to capture this photo:


It’s a little blurry since he had to take the photo underwater,
but it’s still better than nothing, right?


I need your help, Earth Agents...


- Did you know anything about this hidden test facility?

- What do you think is in the Woogi spy photo?


Write a blog Comment and let’s talk more about TOP SECRET stuff!


Until next time, Earth Agents!


Haley said...

I don't know what it is but it looks a little like a game.

Anonymous said...

wow that seems really cool and exciting to think about!!! New gadgets wow this is awesome


runforlife-pianostar said...

uh.... what the heck is it! it looks weird. but is it something to do with a prize????? ok! see you around!

Anonymous said...

Bigwig, I think it's Prize Machine like the claw game!

- yellowgirl1

tentenninja said... not sure what it is xD


Anonymous said...

I agree with Haley

Anonymous said...

well i think it is a prize game you wold hit a button and whatever it lands on it a prize you get.


Anonymous said...

i agree with Haley too.(^^^)


Anonymous said...

ii dunno :P




Anonymous said...

I think it is a game and you have to find stuff and you will get a prize


Anonymous said...

I think it is a game and you have to find stuff and you will get a prize


P.S I agree with Haley

woogiworld0foopets said...

i agree with haley as well. i can't wait to find out what it is!! :D


Anonymous said...

i am pretty sure it is a device that you have to digure out!


Anonymous said...

well Foopet it is a game and you would hit a button and what ever it lands on you get.


foopets said...

it could be, but nobody knows!

it's a mystery!


Anonymous said...

Hmmm ok then..I think the first word says maybe its a prize machine or...a game?? not sure..

Sparkle72 :D

doodle321 said...

i think its a game. poor valtine falctior it was a good place to get cards. oh well at there making somthing of it. from doodle321

Anonymous said...

It's a PRIZE thing!!!
I could make out the first word it said prize but I don't know what the last word is. I think you press the blue button first all those yellow things you press to make this thing move but i don't see it..... Then when your ready you press the big red button and a piece of paper comes out of the yellow thing next to the red button i am guessing a piece of paper because it looks like it isn't big enough for something bigger then a piece of paper on the piece of paper is a coupon
Just remember I am guessing so I may not be right!


CHimbolo said...

Yeah you can see it say prize.


Anonymous said...

It seems like a device that you test water with

ne123 said...

i think it say prize machine but i am not sure it would be so cool if you write down what you want on the paper and then you press the blue bubbton and you get it that would be so cool!!!! i wish i new how to go under ground and see it

Anonymous said...

i bet it a game thingy where u presses the button and the wheels spins vrrom vroom then u gget a prize or it 1 a dos tings in the casions if u look closesly XD laughy face........


bubblespiner1 said...

well um I think it might be the brown belt prize for summer splash. If it's for summer splash then it's a crane like in a few blogs back there was a black and white drawing.


brown belt on Monday!!!

OostylishoO said...

it's look like a game !

but i'm not sure if it's a game !!

can't wait to see what is it ..!


Anonymous said...

it has to be a math club game that got barried there i mean where is the math club!


Anonymous said...

that looks so awesome i wounder what it could be but it looks like a game

Anonymous said...

i think its a prize! it would be so cool if we could go under it and see it!


Anonymous said...

well..uh.. i think its a prize or, a game! it would be so awesome if we could go under and see the factory though..


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

i agree with haley.. and i really think that it maybe did that cause.. maybe something broke from the factory..

Anonymous said...

the gadgets will be greaat for woogi world

priya2345hrtgh said...

this is the best site ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

waffling said...

I think it's either a game like Haley said or a machine or some sort. waffling

Anonymous said...

i am pretty sure like it is a maze thing and you have to firgure out!! and if you get it you get it watts!!!!

Iwantfood said...

It is so a game

Anonymous said...

I think it says PIZZA!A PIZZA PARLOR!

Anonymous said...

I think it is like a game where you press a button and around it goes,hit anther button to stop it,
and if you get 3 in a row(it may not be finished yet!)you win a prize!It might say Prize Mania.

Anonymous said...

I partially agree with Haley,yeah
it's a game just it's just one of those slot machines,if you have seen one,it is very close exept only one wheel.WHAT IS IT?!?!?!
I cannot stand suprises!I never stop talking about it until I see what it is!

mario said...

its a woogi time machine! i can tell because you could type in a year and visit it so new woogies can see what old woogiworld looked like its just a guess.

marioman2 the ghost reaper...

Anonymous said...

i totally agree with yellowgirl1

Anonymous said...

the words say prize machine!!
at least i think so... :)


Anonymous said...

Wow i hope it is something cool because i need some thing to do!

Monapizza said...

i think its a prize crane thing like those that you put in cash and you have to get stuffed animals and bouncy balls i bet its that :D

Anonymous said...

it says prize mania i think all we have to do is get stuff and we get it

Woogiwoogileal said...

Yeah it looks like a prize game... Maybe with cool stuff because the machine looks awesome! I hope it can be used in some time!

colorados said...

Lol, BigWig's pics r allways blurry, what a fake cause "underwater", lol!

Anonymous said...

cool! can't wait but the internet is so slow i can't play woogiworld :((((


Unknown said...

wow,i never knew woogiworld had a valentine factory i was only on woogiworld a few months ago :)

annabella said...

it might be a prize machine right?it looks a big blob of words:)