Thursday, September 30, 2010

Celebrities, Gurus, and Mascots – Oh, My!

Hello, Earth Agents!

The secret is out...

There’s a new VIP on Woogi World!



~ Woogi World VIPs ~

The word “VIP” means “Very Important Person.”


There are 3 types of VIPs on Woogi World:

VIPstamp1) Celebrities, 2) Gurus, and 3) Mascots.


~ Woogi Celebrities ~

I hire Woogi celebrities to help me out on Woogi World.
They do lots of different things, like make new games,
write stories, create new hairstyles, and more!


Celebrities visit Woogi World every week and
sometimes give out prizes and do special moves!

Celeb---BigWig Celeb---Dr.-Wiggenstein Celeb---Mr.-Wigwatts Celeb---Wally-Woog-(New) Celeb---Wanda-Wiggs Celeb---Weegor Celeb---Wiggiwalker Celeb---YY

The Woogi celebrities are me, Dr. Wiggenstein, Mr. Wigwatts, Wally Woog, Wanda Wiggs, Weegor, Wiggiwalker, and YY!


~ Gurus ~

Gurus are like celebrities, but they only have one job on
Woogi World – to be in charge of a Woogi club!


Gurus often hold club meetings on Woogi World
to talk about the latest club news.

 Guru---YY palace4

There are 2 gurus right now:
YY (Music Club) and Palace (Woogi Readers Club)!


~ Mascots ~

Mascots are brand new to Woogi World and help the Woogi
celebrities with their work. They come from all sorts
of places and sometimes they aren’t even Woogies!


Mascots like to visit Woogi World and chat with Woogies,
but they can’t give out prizes or do special moves.


Digi (from Cox Communications)
is Woogi World’s very first mascot!


I’m curious, Earth Agents...


- Does it help to know the difference between Woogi VIPs?

- Which Woogi VIP is your favorite?

- Do you want to learn more about Digi, the new mascot?


Write a blog Comment and let’s talk all about the Woogi VIPs!


Until next time, Earth Agents!


Anonymous said...

cool i guess bubblespiner1

Anonymous said...

yay our first mascot!!! wow....... i am really excited yay!!--popper5!

Anonymous said...

Greetings and salutations, this is marioman2. I cant believe that we have a Woogiworld mascot! Big Wig will he open up a club for us like a woogiworld kids like just like the Dr did?

Anonymous said...

WHOA!!!!! this is awesome i like v.i.p he looks cool it does help a little but is there a time scheadule of when he comes?


Anonymous said...

cool! a mascot! we have a mascot at my school its a sheild! kinda..
lol XD
ttfn hun!


Anonymous said...

Uh... Still need to find out about someone else... WHO'S THAT GUY WITH THE CHALK IN HIS HAND?

--zealouslogster (who is very happy because a friend of his is playing woogiworld :D)

Anonymous said...

lol digi from cox communications lol nice idea woogiworld keep it up!

bananasuger :)

corbin5 said...

My school mascot is a bulldog....


varge said...

Hey big wig it's varge! I want to learn more about digi the mascot of woogi world. like does he give out prizes on holidays or are we aloud to add him? till again, varge!

Anna Grace said...

I want to know more about him!! Will he be in the news paper? And will he come and vist us like Wanda wiggs?

Anonymous said...

okay he's a mascot,but what about that other guy,woogiwise?he said he was the professor of some thing...but who is he REALLY?and digi can do a special move.i've seen him do it.but it's just probaly his mascot dance move...also what are you marioman wiggenstein?

OostylishoO said...

cool i guess ..

i would like to find out more about the first moscat !!



tigon818 said...

the celebrity's are the best ever
gurus yy & palace are great to
the mascot is OK

my star ratings (these are what my stars look like *)
celebrity's *****
gurus ***
mascots *

Anonymous said...

maybe it is some one!!!!!!!!!! i wonder who it is

Anonymous said...

Wow...Digi looks more like a robot than a woogi...I wonder if he's really a woogi...maybe he's wearing an outfit! Or maybe not...


Anonymous said...

is he ever going to come to see woogis? will he have a time sceduale? will he be able to add woogis unlike celebritys? so many questions so many answer eh?


Anonymous said...

i know who last weeks person is it's woogiwise i have a picture of him in my wigwam

bubble................................. spiner1

yayaa bye

Serbrina from Woogiworld said...

I LOVE Digi! He's so awesome. I've seen him before. Our mascot rocks! -Serbrina

corbin 5 said...

this is corbin5 and i didn't leave a message!!!