The Christmas Party was a lot of fun!
I’d like to thank all the Woogies that helped make it so enjoyable.
It’s okay if you couldn’t come to the party. The Christmas fun continues
this whole week!
It’s Going to Be a White Christmas!
This week it snowed for the first time ever on Woogi World!
Some Woogies have even started decorating for Christmas!
Get Your Free Christmas Presents!
There will also be 4 Christmas presents waiting for
you at the Prize Machine on Christmas morning!
Put the items together and you’ll have
your very own Frosty outfit!
So, Earth Agents...
- Do you like the snow on Woogi World?
- Are you going to get the Christmas presents?
- How will you dress up your Frosty Woogi?
Write a blog Comment and let’s chat about Christmas Week!
Until next time, Earth Agents!
First comment! :D
Cool Frosty Outfit and loved the christmas party!
Awesome frosty outfit, I really liked the christmas party even though i came on 40 minutes after it started :)
Merry Christmas Bigwig!!!
You da best!!!!!
Peace Love Christmas burgers
bk10 & sasha44
BFFs!!! sorry lily_102 you in second!!!
The frosty outfit looks pretty cool but i probably won't get it since i don't have space. I wish I could have gone to the Christmas party though...
- this_is_me
Bigwig,is it really going to be that snowy?Will there really be decorations?That's what i want to know i can't wait until tomorrow!!!!;)
Hi Bigwig!I can't wait until tomorrow for it to snow!I hope your going to be there to see the snow on woogiworld!;)
Woogi name:akj021801
Bigwig,i like the snow on woogiworld!Yes i am going to get the Christmas presents,and i am going to dress my frosty woogi as his whole self!;)
Hi i can not wait for the coustume!
Merry Chr!stmas i!
- Do you like the snow on Woogi World?
When it's snow .. it lag !
snowing = lagging
if it's just snow it ok ! XD
- Are you going to get the Christmas presents?
- How will you dress up your Frosty Woogi?
I like it .. but can't get it
no space
Merry Chr!stmas i! > again..
Bigwig,when i went to the prize machine today and got my frosty outfit, it only gave me the mouth and the hands and there was no snow why? Answer these questions please!!!!
woogi name:william202
Bigwig will there be any more suprises post a comment if there will!
MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)AND HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):
I love the new frosty costume, its so cute. The last comment that has my name on it.. isn't mine.
~foopets! <3
bigwig this was the bbest christmas ever!
WEEEEEEEE! i got da frosty outfittt!
see y'all on ww!!!! btw, the frosty outfit is really cute
Peace, Love, & Joy,
from leah987
Sorry I couldnt make it the christmas party I was celebrating in the real world!! I wish I could have seen it snow yesterday!!!! I think y'all should send emails out so people can know about these things.
Love Peace Laughter
I Did nOt go to the Xmas Party cause I missed it sad but I don't have enough room for any of the frosty outfit but I am not that fussed about it
Bigwig you shoukd make it this snowy every year!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i love the snow.
snow = lagging.
but it's still awweeesooomeee!
p.s. i write a lot of comments........ sorry 'bout that.
p.s.s. Love Peace Laughter, you said y'all too on your comment. hehe
p.s.s.s. i like candy.
p.s.s.s.s. leaving now.....
p.s.s.s.s.s. okay.....bye....
p.s.s.s.s.s.s. if u have not seen "Tangled", the story of a cartoon Rapunzel, see it!!!!!
BYE! hehe.
leah alexandra--
Why did you copy me??!?!?!?!?
Where did we go wrong?
( Where did we go wrong my new motto! )
Woogiworld: Can we live without it?
p.s. i write a lot of comments, so sorry 'bout that.
ok peoples i am getting angry at people who copy me because i like being the weird woogi who does her own stuff, i came up with the peace love thing and dfoing p.s.s.s.s.s so can you woogies please stop doing it i am not trying to be mean.
bk10 who does her own stuff!!!!
First comment! :D
Cool Frosty Outfit and loved the christmas party!
December 24, 2010 6:09 AM
Anonymous said...
Awesome frosty outfit, I really liked the christmas party even though i came on 40 minutes after it started :)
December 24, 2010 7:22 AM
bk10 said...
Merry Christmas Bigwig!!!
You da best!!!!!
Peace Love Christmas burgers
bk10 & sasha44
BFFs!!! sorry lily_102 you in second!!!
December 24, 2010 9:01 AM
Anonymous said...
The frosty outfit looks pretty cool but i probably won't get it since i don't have space. I wish I could have gone to the Christmas party though...
- this_is_me
December 24, 2010 9:53 AM
Anonymous said...
Bigwig,is it really going to be that snowy?Will there really be decorations?That's what i want to know i can't wait until tomorrow!!!!;)
December 24, 2010 11:02 AM
Anonymous said...
Hi Bigwig!I can't wait until tomorrow for it to snow!I hope your going to be there to see the snow on woogiworld!;)
Woogi name:akj021801
December 24, 2010 11:04 AM
Anonymous said...
Bigwig,i like the snow on woogiworld!Yes i am going to get the Christmas presents,and i am going to dress my frosty woogi as his whole self!;)
December 24, 2010 11:09 AM
Anonymous said...
Hi i can not wait for the coustume!
December 24, 2010 11:50 AM
Anonymous said...
░░░█▀█░█░█░█░█░░░░█░░░█░█▀░░░░█░ ░░░█░█░█▄▀░█▄▀░░░░█░░░█░█▄▄░░░▄░
awesome frosty outfit!!!! so cute!!
i cannot wait to get it!!! and i lovveee woogiworldddddd! thanks 4 making it such an awesome place 4 us.
December 24, 2010 6:58 PM
OostylishoO said...
Merry Chr!stmas i!
- Do you like the snow on Woogi World?
When it's snow .. it lag !
snowing = lagging
if it's just snow it ok ! XD
- Are you going to get the Christmas presents?
- How will you dress up your Frosty Woogi?
I like it .. but can't get it
no space
Merry Chr!stmas i! > again..
December 25, 2010 1:27 AM
Anonymous said...
Bigwig,when i went to the prize machine today and got my frosty outfit, it only gave me the mouth and the hands and there was no snow why? Answer these questions please!!!!
woogi name:william202
December 25, 2010 9:34 AM
Anonymous said...
Bigwig will there be any more suprises post a comment if there will!
December 25, 2010 10:57 AM
cocoloco5 said...
MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)AND HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):
December 25, 2010 12:35 PM
Anonymous said...
I love the new frosty costume, its so cute. The last comment that has my name on it.. isn't mine.
~foopets! <3
December 25, 2010 1:51 PM
Anonymous said...
bigwig this was the bbest christmas ever!
December 25, 2010 5:42 PM
Anonymous said...
WEEEEEEEE! i got da frosty outfittt!
see y'all on ww!!!! btw, the frosty outfit is really cute
Peace, Love, & Joy,
from leah987
December 25, 2010 7:34 PM
Alexandra said...
Sorry I couldnt make it the christmas party I was celebrating in the real world!! I wish I could have seen it snow yesterday!!!! I think y'all should send emails out so people can know about these things.
Love Peace Laughter
December 26, 2010 7:17 AM
didnt get to get prize :( i was on holiday came back on 17th january
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