Thursday, March 17, 2011

BigWig’s Q&A: Why, Weegor, Why?

Hi, Earth Agents!


I’m back this week with
another BigWig’s Q&A...

That’s when you ask me a
Question, blog readers...

... and then I give
you the Answer!


This Week’s Question:

Why does Weegor ruin the
Valentine Factory every year?


BigWig’s Answer:

It’s no secret...
Weegor causes lots of accidents!


This happened to the Valentine Factory in its first year:

vdayfireThe fire started quickly after Weegor accidentally knocked
over a candle while writing his valentines.


Then the next year, this happened:

vdayacidWeegor was carrying green acid to use as a St. Patrick’s Day Party decoration when he accidentally tripped and spilled it.


Then in the Valentine Factory’s third year, Woogies saw this:

vdayfactorywaterWeegor accidentally left the water running inside the building and when he remembered, it was already too late to save the building from turning into a lake.


And now this year’s Valentine Factory:

Day07Weegor threw a snowball at a mountain goat and accidentally caused a huge avalanche to cover the building in ice and snow.



You may have noticed that every time the Valentine Factory gets destroyed, it happens accidentally. The truth is...


Weegor loves the Valentine Factory! He never wants to hurt it, but he is sometimes clumsy and bad things happen.


v-dayfactoryEven though it’s a lot of work for Woogies to rebuild the Valentine Factory every year, we forgive Weegor and are still his friends because he admits his mistakes and apologizes for them. He never lies or tries to hide what he’s done.


In that way, Weegor’s accidents at the Valentine Factory can teach us all a very important lesson!


So, Earth Agents...


- What lessons have you learned from Weegor?

- Why do you think Weegor has so many accidents?


Write a blog Comment and let’s chat about Weegor!


Until next time, Earth Agents!


pianostar said...

Awe. I have never realized how many people have hated weegor over this building. Today at the party, he was very nice! We torment him for leaving. IT'S MEAN. :( Sorry weegor for all i've blamed on you! It's time for weegor to be appriciated for what he does! Who's with me! I'm starting a we <3 Weegor club! Tell me on woogiworld if you want to join! i'll tell you the schedule! But it is super sad that he has destoryed the factory 5 times. Oh well!
Pianostar :)

Jgjone said...

I Agree With piano!

Sorry Weegor!

-Jgjone :D XD DX :3

Leah987 said...


Wittle Weegor is a Wise Woogi


see???told ya to have respect for weegor. and who cares about the valentine factory? it's just a building. and by the time it is destroyed, valentine's day is waaayyy over. sorry if that offended you, but it's my opinion. i was banned so i couldn't go to the party. and get this, i was banned for no reason!!

C said...

PEOPLE DIDNT HATE HIM! THEY WERE MAD AT HIM! sound out the differences between mad and hate. i didnt care. weegor does this every year, so u should expect that. and i was on woogi world for only 1 year so far.

annabella(woogi name yellyelow) said...

hello people!i got banned too!the day after the party!!i said the same thing a woogi said to me and there you go!i am banned!i told you people not to blame weeegor!!he does not mean this!he might be a clumsy woogi but still!

annabella signing out!

Mark said...

hello, jetpackster here. I really feel sorry for weegor, but why does he cause these accidents? Why can't we just send blank valentines to weegor and he can't go near the factory. Why can't we do that?

i want to say my other accounts right now, ok?

i think thats all

P.S. can celiberties give out color coupons to everyone in parties? i went to the st. patricks day party but i didn't get any

Anonymous said...

Hi Bigwig!!!!I've learned from Weegor to....never have a candle with you,never get near acid,always be careful when using water, and never throw a snowball from or at a mountain-top.

Woogi Name:wgj021801

P.S. there are some things around Woogi World that need to be fixed. When you slide on the slide it gets covered in snow, icicles, and Christmas lights. The water fountains are covered in snow, the bushes are covered in Christmas lights,and the last thing that needs to be fixed is:the wishing well's water is frozen.fix all those things,also,in the playground or park, turn the sand lighter and put the horses back,please,those things need to be fixed, okay,bye.

Anonymous said...

Why do people get mad at weegor even if he destroys the valentine factory woogies can still access it?LEAVE WEEGOR ALONE!!!!!GIVE WEEGOR A BREAK!!!!


MikePowell said...

Hey, everyone, I'm back! Sorry about not commenting for so long, it turns out Alpha Centauri is a lot more... interesting... than I initially hoped--I couldn't provide my insights on important blog posts! (What happened is kind of termed TOP SECRET, so I can't give you more than that.) Expect me to write more often. Anyway, Weegor's destroying the Valentine's factory year after year since 2007 makes me thing the building has about as much good luck as a running gag. I'm just glad Weegor is always honest about what happened! By the way, let's just be grateful that he didn't cause a multidimensional rift like the Digiwoog leaks did by causing that thing to freeze over.

trixie8 said...

its not weegor's fault he is just very very clumsy! That is one of the things we love about him and the valentine factory can't stay there forever it has to leave at some point! lol

diamond_matrix said...

I don't get how knocking over a few candles can start a raging fire. Don't candles blow out when they are toppled over?

Anonymous said...


cain332 said...

we should have have a weegor day in celebration of weegor to show how sorry we are to be mean to him

chloe woogi name lucky749 said...

yeah sorry weegor my friend i blamed you loads sorry your the best staff cuz you always belive us
kisses to weegor

Unknown said...

its not woogi world with the valentines factory that comes every year so if you sent one now they would already have a valentine

pianostar said...

weegors the best

Anonymous said...

cain i agree with you
P.Sif we do have on have it on a saturday cuz im at school

the real pianostar said...

ANOTHER IMPOSTER NOTICE! Someone put pianostar said... weegors the best. ok then! cough it up on woogiworld.

Anonymous said...

Greetings and salutations this is Booger65. weegor keeps making these tragic accidents happen its unreal bro. but weegor is the best and all of the celebrities



Ziyad said...

Hey, BigWig I have a Question
how was the wishing well discovered?