Thursday, April 14, 2011

A Note-Worthy Music Party!

Hi there, Earth Agents!



A very exciting moment
is finally here...

YY debuts his new
“Introduction to Music”
program on Friday!


The “Introduction to Music” program
has a new lesson every day featuring YY:



The lessons have lots of new
music games and activities to play too:



And you get a free mystery prize after every lesson:



music_belt_10_blackThe “Introduction to Music
program is FREE for every
upgraded Music Club member!


Click here to upgrade your membership now!


YY is also having a BIG party to celebrate the
Music Club upgrade with the Woogi celebrities...

And you’re invited!


Music Club Celebration!


Friday, April 15

22:00 – 24:00 WST


While at the party, don’t forget to claim
your free prize from the Prize Machine!


The Music Club Celebration prize is only 
available this weekend (Friday – Sunday).



This could be your one and only chance
to own the super rare Music Note Cap!


So, Earth Agents...


- Are you coming to the Music Club Celebration?

- What do you think of YY’s new music program?

- How cool is the super rare Music Note Cap?


Write a blog Comment and let’s chat about the Music Celebration!


Until next time, Earth Agents!


pianostar said...

Hey! It's me Pianostar! I'm super excited for the party on this friday! But we're having a party over music lessons??? But anyway, I LOVE parties! To bad we can't afford to do music lessons. I will hang out with YY and Wally Woog at the party on Friday. It's good to defend woogiworld as Wiggiwalker says. But i want to meet Count Weevil! Oh well!
Pianostar :)

bk10 said...

two words


Anonymous said...

got banned..anyway, I REALLY CANNOT WAIT `TILL TOMORROW!!! :) I want that super rare note hat! Cuz it's rare yeah lol. -hannah00000

Pegasus_Leah said...

So? I don't really care about rare stuff....and also, that hat does NOT show your hair! no offense. i love music. but celebrities make me slow...

Anonymous said...


Do You Get The Music Note if you come?

please post a comment bigwig


Anonymous said...

Aye....that party was fun. 3 color coupons for me and 3 for my backup:D

I mainly stayed with dr wiggs the whole party. And I didnt see weegor or wigwattsD:

Dr played all the games. ALL of the 6 in the game thing. I won in rock paper round in woogilympics and one of the sharks game. :D and I have the Music Note Hat and teh Music Note Move! And pianostar I know someone thats buddies with count weevil..his name are hereismywuginame. And the lessons ARE SUPER FUN! And there is some pretty cool parties on the prize wheel. Whoa long comment..



Anonymous said...

hey ,
I couldn't come to the party :(
but I got the music note !

lillyrose8 said...

party was fun! :)

puertoricanboy said...

hey bigwig! thankd for been so good to me!!! wish we can spend more time talking! but soon! lol


Rockstarken (okmynam) said...

Hey, Its okmyname long time no talk eh? And hey pianostar! LONG TIME NO TALK!!! My new name is rockstarken I look likea noob but Im okmynam cheerio :)