Thursday, December 22, 2011

Christmas Time Is Here

Hi there, Earth Agents!

presentsChristmas comes
this week...

And Woogi World is
giving you lots of good
stuff to celebrate!


A New Club Building!


ClubLobbyThe Woogi English Club opened today!


ContractionActionTitleOne of the best things about the club is
the new game “Contraction Action!”


Christmas Gifts!


ReindeerOutfitCouponThis year’s Christmas gift from Woogi World is unbelievable!


ReindeerOutfitIt’s not just one gift, but FIVE gifts that make up
the best Woogi Reindeer outfit you’ve ever seen!


BigWigOutsideSnowDayBest of all... it’s free for everyone who visits the
Prize Machine between now and December 28!


WishingWellSnowBe sure to check the Wishing Well every day for
other cool Christmas items too.


DigiWoog Disaster!


DigiWoogDisasterTitleWoogi World just released their very first mobile game:
DigiWoog Disaster!


DigiWoogDisasterWigwattsPlay the game on your Android device and help Jett Woogman
investigate a mysterious UFO crash in Woogi World with the
help of the Woogi celebrities. It’s a whole lot of fun!


androidClick this link to download the game from the Android Market:


Merry Christmas, Woogies!


ChristmasLightsSalonXoogiThis is a great time of year, isn’t it?


GiftGivingWhether you celebrate Christmas, or Hanukkah, or something
else, I want to wish you the very best holiday that you can have!


Don’t Forget About the Holiday Sale!


HolidaySaleWith all the excitement for Christmas, don’t forget that this is the


Ask for them as a holiday gift or buy them yourself...

There’s no better time than right now to get Woogi Honors,
YY’s Introduction to Music, and Woogi English upgrades!


Okay, Earth Agents...


- What are you most excited about this week?

- Do you like the Woogi Reindeer Outfit?

- How are you spending the holidays?


Write a blog Comment and let’s chat about Christmas!


Until next time, Earth Agents!


Anonymous said...

Hi there! This is my first time i comment here!

I'm so happy because on christmas my parents will buy me a whp and a membership on yy music club!

Happy christmas!

Anonymous said...

whew!first comment!:D


pianostar said...

Ho Ho Ho! MERRY CHRISTMAS! I love the new building! :)

Anonymous said...

OK, bigwig, please respond to this: where is the woogi English club? Do i have to purchase it to get to play the games and stuff? Please answer!

Anonymous said...

What I'm excited about.. that's pretty obvious, CHRISTMAS. I haven't been this excited . Reindeer outfit?
I deleted it.. I can't wear it anyway since I'm now Non WHP and.. I'm not deleting stuff :I
I'm spending my holidays with my friends.. and some family idk yet!

Cheesepuff ...

bignate123456789 said...

Yay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now i can get another Black Belt!

lightning59953 said...

Yay! First comment! this is going to be a good year now that i may get WHP! see you people later!

WOOGIKID said...

Hi fellow woogies! Merry christmas!
I'm spending my holidays with my grandma and papa and my friends (you might know them from woogiworld snivy90 and tepig70). We are going to spend christmas at my house and me and snivy are going to have our gift exchange for the 5th time! I love the new reindeer outfits ad woogi english. :) i hope we have some fun!
Reminder: I have my party for my good friends tomorrow at 5:00 p.m. EASTERN TIME. WST TIME IS 22:00! HOPE TO SEE YOU THERE!

Max Laquaint said...

Sooooo excited! All of it sounds great! Can't wait for the new club!!!!!!

lightning59953 said...

Awe lol i wasn't first but i really hope i get whp for the sale!!!!☺

middle-schooler-hannah said...

Hi! Hannah here. I ♥ the Woogi English Club & all but what about the Science Club? It's been sitting there and wasting woogies' watts. Bigwig, could you please change that? Also, Cutiekenz, the Woogi English Club is where the Sports Club used to be. You know, the place on the right side of the Science Club, and underneath the Readers Club. I also ♥ the snow & lights but they make me lag. I missed the Christmas party because I forgot it was on the 21st! :(
I am so sleepy..I went to sleep at 2:30 A.M. lat night..or should I say this morning..Aah its confusing. Well Merry Christmas and a happy New Year everyone!
Keep Smilin'
hannah00000 :D

Anonymous said...

Well bigwig I'm exited about Christmas and the family
My birthday is on Dec. 30! Lol I get 2x the presents
Also I was upgraded free for the music club! I didn't know
I could do that and also I got about 197 buddies
About 200 I love this time of year today hamster hooey came LOL ROFL I love woogi world and I'm all white like snow I wish I could have snowman outfit instead of the reindeer outfit maybe next year


Anonymous said...

Christmas is tomorrow!!!!!! i can't believe it!

leah/purple/pegasus said...

hi hannah :)
and i am soo mad because the holiday lights are making me LAG real BAD. like i lose connection everytime i go outside and i have to restart my computer. :( see what i did there? i had a happy face then a sad face. :D happy face now. i got the complete percy jackson series for christmas. and a lot of lego harry potter toys. what did you get? k fine don't tell me if you don't want to make other people jealous.


Anonymous said...

Yay!! I'm the woogi that wrote the first comment and this is my second comment!

I'm a whp and i have music club membership for 1 year! I'm so happy!!!

Eat lot of fishes and join us!

Muchwatts the cat

Anonymous said...

I request an iPad app.
Preferably one that may allow you to play woogiworld
Or a flea market
That allows you to trade stuff on an iPad or apple device