Thursday, January 26, 2012

A Fun-Filled Auditorium of Musical Learning!

Hi, Earth Agents!


YY’s Music Club is opening a
new club room this week
called the Auditorium...

Here’s a sneak peek at what’s
inside for all the upgraded
Music Club members!


Where Is the Auditorium?



When you enter YY’s Music Club building, there is
a new down arrow in the club lobby.



It takes you to a new hallway with two Auditorium rooms:
The Acorn Concert Hall and the Maple Leaf Practice Hall.


How Do I Get into the Auditorium?


Just click an Auditorium to enter it, but...
Only upgraded Music Club members can enter the Auditorium.


Upgraded members will see this screen if nobody
is meeting
at that time.



YY will announce Auditorium meeting times in the club’s
News device, so check it often to know when to meet.


What’s Inside the Auditorium?


04auditorium1Inside the Auditorium, you will meet with a real-life teacher!
The two of you can even speak to each other using a microphone!


You won’t be alone either! There will be lots of
others seated too, ready to learn more with you...


How Will We Learn in the Auditorium?



You can watch everything that the online teacher does while
they speak to you! There are also fun activities, like creating
your own music, and sharing moments where everyone can
see everyone else’s good work!



If you have a question or something to say, you can
even raise your hand and the teacher will bring you
on stage to speak to the group!


How Can I Be a Part of the Auditorium?


It’s easy!

Just click this Upgrade button to sign up for YY’s Introduction to
Music program and become an upgraded Music Club member!



So, Earth Agents...


- Are you excited about the new Music Auditorium?

- What things would you like to learn in the Auditorium?

- Which club should be the next one to get an Auditorium?


Write a blog Comment and let’s chat about the Music Auditorium!


Until next time, Earth Agents!


Anonymous said...

iir r r likee wogijword ittttt fun mario man2 tkgkmgtkj

Anonymous said...

YAY!!!! I LOVE THE MUSIC CLUB! I MIGHT TRY IT!!!!!!!!!!!!-------------rosalie00

cooldude22 said...

Wow. That's cool.., are you gonna be able to monitor innapropriate language? It's pretty cool that you can actually talk to other people.

Dlll12 said...

I have done the auditorium and its great i recommend it !

Anonymous said...

awe!!! i am not a upgrade woogi and i'll never be but only if Yy sends out two week trail upgrades again i can go in the room-Psychokick

Anonymous said...

Awesome, but it's a shame that non-upgraded-members can't use it :|


Anonymous said...

Lol i love this idea Yy but non-whps can't go in the room you made so I am just feel bad foe the ones who can't like me cries cries lol-Psychokick

Katcar said...

The auditorium is amazing! You can even watch Ben Chan play your music on his violin! I feel sorry for non upgraded members though.

sponge said...


woggikid said...

Sounds cool! Hope you guys have lots of fun there! My blogs have all been deleted. Sorry guys.