Thursday, July 26, 2012

BigWig’s Diary: My Day at the Splash Campground

Hi again, Earth Agents!

summersplashlogoI’ve shown you a lot
of the fun stuff in the
Splash Adventure Club...

...Now let’s take a tour
of all the cool devices at
the Splash Campground!


BigWig’s Summer Splash Visit

I’d like to share an entry from my diary with you.
It’s about my recent tour of the Summer Splash campground.


ss2012-mid-bigwigI arrive at the Splash Campground. A large sign welcomes me!
I like it here already...


learninglog1The first Summer Splash device I check out is the Learn-a-Lot.
I write a log about the service I did today and earn 500 watts!


readingrewards1The Reading Rewards device catches my eye next.
Unfortunately, I haven’t written a reading log yet today.


ReadingRewardsPrizeWheelI return to the Reading Rewards device after writing a reading log.
I get to spin a cool-looking prize wheel and win a free prize!


ss2012-left-bigwigI wander over to Club Camp afterwards. It’s filled with tents.
I bet there are some great things to do inside them!


photostudio1I start with the Photo Studio. I’m all alone this time,
but I think I’ll take a Xoogi with me next time.


photostudio2Inside I have my picture taken while I do a
Boogi Woogi next to a dragon! Awesome!


woogflix1I venture into the WoogFlix tent next and there are lots of
actual Woogi English movies for me to watch – all for free!


woogflix2I watch all the movies and they are hilarious! I wish I could
keep copies of them on my DigiWoog to watch later...


musicmart1Then I hang out at the Music Mart. It has lots of DigiWoog
songs for sale, all of which YY personally selects each week.


musicmart2I listen to each song’s 15 second preview and
end up buying all the songs before I leave!


ss2012-right-bigwigLastly, I visit the entrance to Splash Camp. It has a nice,
warm fire and is a great place to hang out with buddies.


sseventsboard2I look at the Events Board and can see all the day’s activities
in the Splash Adventure Club, as well as a poster for
Saturday’s special celebrity event.


outsidecampI’ve already visited Splash Camp, so I decide not to go inside this
time, but I’m amazed by just how many exciting things are at
Summer Splash this year that are free for every Woogi!


There’s still one more month left of Summer Splash!
I hope you all continue to enjoy it!


Want to Have Even More Fun?

You can upgrade to the Splash Adventure Club all summer long! Memberships are available for 1 month, 1 week, and 1 day:


And upgraded Woogi Honors, Music, or English members can
become a Splash Adventure Club member at a discount price!


Click this button to upgrade to the club right now:

Upgrade Summer Splash!


So, Earth Agents...


- Did you enjoy reading from my diary?

- What’s your favorite thing at the Splash Campground?

- What things would you add to the Splash Campground?


Write a blog Comment and let’s chat more about Summer Splash!


Until next time, Earth Agents!


Winnie4444444 said...

- Did you enjoy reading from my diary?
Yes I enjoyed reading from your diary. I think summer splash is awesome too!

- What’s your favorite thing at the Splash Campground?
My favorite thing is the reading rewards wheel! (PRIZES!) XD

- What things would you add to the Splash Campground?
I think maybe an auditorium for non upgraded woogies because I know people have been talking about wanting that.

Ghris1 woogi said...

Yes, I enjoyed reading from your diary.
My favorite thing at splash campground is the splash adventure club.
I think I would add to the splash campgrounds a beach and free machine where to reclaim rare prizes once a week (like a tent boogi woogi that would change woogi into an tent)

Anonymous said...

It all looks too good to be true!!
:{D <--mustache face lykabos!!

buddy011 said...

My favorite thing at splash campground is the adventure club auditorium.
I think I would add a adventure club for non upgraded woogies but the upgraded member adventure club would be better.

buddy011 said...

Yes, I enjoyed reading from your diary.
My favorite thing at splash campground is the adventure club auditorium.
I think I would add a adventure club for non upgraded members but the adventure club for upgraded members would be cooler.

chesemore99 said...

I enjoyed reading your diary.

My favorite thing about summer splash is the prize wheel and I can't wait untill we reach the billion minute reading challenge, I hope we get a party for it. :D

I would probably add a different squeduel for the times campwoog celebrities come online, they come sooooo early in the morning!

drpicklejr said...

About summer splash music tent is the best. p.s add more music!!!

cooldude22 said...

Looks like fun.