Thursday, October 11, 2012

Woogichieve Your Way to New Prizes!

Hello again, Earth Agents!


It’s a fantastic week to
be on Woogi World...

Especially if you like
getting rare prizes!


The New and Incredible Woogi Match Prizes!

mainmenuThe fun card matching game, Woogi Match, is now available
for FREE for the Amazon Kindle, Nook, and Apple iOS devices!


iPhoneWoogiiPhoneWoogiClick HERE to learn more about the game
and download it from your app store!


And Woogi Match has gotten even better...

gameoverWhen you earn awards and send them to Woogi World, you
can now receive rare prizes for your Woogichievements!


prizeitemsCheck out these golden celebrity trophies that you can
win and display inside your Wigwam for everyone to see!

(Can you guess which trophy matches which Woogi celebrity?)


The ultimate trophy is my very own, of course...

trophy-bigwig...I think it'll look quite impressive inside your Wigwam!


The New and Improved Woogichievements App!

That’s not the only new change this week...

01b-digiwoogmenuBe sure to check out the BIG changes to the
Woogichievements app on your DigiWoog too!


matchwcsNow you can see which Woogichievements give out prizes when you earn them, like these Woogichievements for Woogi Match!


PrizeHoverMove your mouse cursor over the PRIZE text and you
can even see what the prize will be! It’s very cool!


WC-PrizesSo get out there and start earning more Woogichievements!
Lots of rare prizes await you if you do!


So, Earth Agents...


- Do you like the new Woogichievements app?

- Do you have a favorite prize from a Woogichievement?

- Have you earned any of the new Woogi Match prizes yet?


Write a blog Comment and let’s chat more
Woogichievement Prizes!


Until next time, Earth Agents!


Anonymous said...

Kewwll 4 da ppl who have dis app thingy..

Anonymous said...

Just wondering can you get the app for android? please thanks
