Thursday, November 8, 2012

BigWig’s Q&A: I’ll Take Mine Rare, Please!

Hello, Earth Agents!


I’m back this week with
another BigWig’s Q&A...

That’s when you ask me a
Question, blog readers...

... and then I give
you the Answer!


This Week’s Question:

What item on Woogi World is the most rare?


BigWig’s Answer:

That’s a hard question to answer! I don’t think
any one item is more rare than any other...

So let’s take a look at just a few of the rare
items you can find on Woogi World!


A Quick Look at Some Rare Items

Rare items can be found in lots of different ways...

fantailYou can sometimes find a rare item in the Woogi stores,
like this Fan Tail that lots of girls like to wear!


votingwigOr you can find rare items in the Wishing Well, like the
Voting Wig that has only been given out twice in 4 years!


snowman11Perhaps you’ve discovered that some of the rarest items
come from the Prize Machine, like Woogi World’s Snowman,
which shows the year and is only given out one time ever!


BigWigCloverBowRare items are often in the Prize Machine when it’s a holiday,
like the Clover Bow move that was once given on St. Patrick’s Day!


starshadesOr rare items are in the Prize Machine when Woogi World
celebrates a big event, like the Star Shades that were given
out at the party for the first-ever English Club black belt!


JukeboxOther rare items come from Woogi Club accomplishments.
Members of YY’s Music Club can earn this rare, music-playing
Jukebox for their Wigwam through their hard work!


SplashSlide5Summer Splash members have the chance during the summer
to earn rare furniture items too, like the interactive Splash Slide!


prizeitemsAnd you can even get rare items by playing Woogi Mobile games,
like these celebrity trophies that you can win in Woogi Match!


BodyColorCouponThere are other super rare items too, like the coupon that lets
you change your body color.
Sometimes you can win these items
at parties or get them as a special bonus when you upgrade early!


And do you want to know a secret?

UnknownAnother rare, new item may be coming soon to Woogi World
during the holidays... I’m sworn to secrecy for now, but keep
reading my blog and Woogi World Weekly to find out what it is!


BubbleCapeWith thousands and thousands of items on Woogi World, maybe
you can see why it would be hard to say one item is the rarest,
but there are certainly a lot of rare items that are worth having!


So, Earth Agents...


- What rare item is your favorite?

- What rare items do you wish you had?

- What rare item do you think is coming soon?


Write a blog Comment and let’s chat more about Rare Items!


Until next time, Earth Agents!


Builder_luigi said...

My whole builder outfit is rare! I don't think i've seen my items for sale or in the wishing well for a while.

Anonymous said...

Cool i will like to have any rare item... /zizimontero

lzenny said...

I want a bubble cap... i hope i get a rare item!