Thursday, November 1, 2012

Who Will You Vote For?

Hi again, Earth Agents!


This week you can be a part
of something special that only
happens once every 4 years...

Cast your vote in the U.S.
Presidential Election!


Woogi World’s
2012 Presidential Election!

YourHostBigWigNovember 1 – 6

Here’s how you can join in the vote:

votingext 1. Visit Woogi World’s Voting Booth between November 1 and 6.
Anyone from any country can vote in Woogi World’s election!


preselection2. Click the LEARN MORE buttons to watch informative videos
provided by the U.S. presidential candidates:

obamavidBarack Obama

romneyvidMitt Romney


preselection  3. When you have learned enough about each candidate,
click the special Presidential Poll button to vote.


presvote 4. Click the name of the candidate that you are voting for,
just like you do for a normal Voting Booth poll.

The results of Woogi World’s Presidential Election
will be revealed in the Voting Booth on November 7!


So who are you voting for?


So, Earth Agents...


- Have you voted in Woogi World’s Presidential Election?

- Why do you think it’s important to vote?

- Who do you think will win the election?


Write a blog Comment and let’s chat more about the Pres. Election!


Until next time, Earth Agents!


Anonymous said...

Nice.. I wonder who's gonna win.. I wonder if it's gonna be da same as the votes in real live.. Lolz..



Anonymous said...

Awes. That's unfair.. Muchwatts wasn't there.. If i was there, I'd probably win for sure!
