I’ve got some bad news
for you this week...
Valentine Factory would
finally be safe, it gets
crashed into by a UFO!
Wait, What Just Happened?
Yesterday, an unidentified flying object (UFO) crash landed
into the Valentine Factory, damaging part of the building
and melting all its chocolatey goodness.
I’m sure lots of you are asking:
“Could Weegor be behind it?”
I suppose it’s a fair question to ask since Weegor accidentally
destroyed the Valentine Factory in previous years by fire...
...and ice...
...and flooding...
... and acid...
...and even mutant termites...
...but he HAS apologized each time, which is good at least.
The truth is no one is quite sure yet what caused the crash,
but the situation is being investigated by professionals and
I hope to have some answers for all of you very soon.
Let’s all work together to try and save our Valentine Factory!
Alright, Earth Agents...
- Are you blaming Weegor for the crash?
- What can you do to help save the building?
- Do you have any clues about how this happened?
Write a blog Comment and let’s chat more about the UFO Crash!
Until next time, Earth Agents!
It could be a new celebrity, maybe wigwatts or maybe count_weevil. Or is it mozart_woog?
I hope that they find out who did it soon ........ brrrrrrrr it's giving me chills
I really don't care. All i care about is that the valentine factory is safe because it's my favorite place to go to
144lets not blame weegor until we know everything
sorry but i did it. i was trying to land in front of the facory but lost control and hit the factory.i am sorry. i had some how managed to get to space and i had no way back down so i took the ufo and then i crashed it into the factory.
my name is funnybunnyhunny.
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