Thursday, May 2, 2013

The Time Has Come to Hide and Sneak!

Hi, Earth Agents!



After waiting a very long
time for this day to come...

Woogies can now enjoy the
incredibly fun game Hide &
Sneak whenever they want!


How to Find Hide & Sneak

Hide and Sneak is open to ALL Woogies on Woogi World
and up to 100 Woogies can join in a single game!


bigwig-hsflagTo join a game, look for a Woogi holding a
Hide and Sneak flag and click it.


gamelist-HideSneakTo start your own game, click the Games button
at the bottom of your screen and select the
Hide and Sneak game cart from the list.


How to Play Hide & Sneak

Players are divided up into 2 groups: Hiders and Seekers.

drwlab-hideHiders try to stay hidden from the Seekers who want to find them.


drwlab-taggedSeekers try to find the spots where Hiders are hiding.


balloondropWhen a Seeker targets a spot on the map, a balloon is dropped.
Each balloon opens a hole on the map that allows Seekers to see
the movement of Hiders if they cross that spot on the map.


menuBefore each round, all players get to vote on the level map
and game mode that they’d like to play.


There are 3 level maps to choose from:

drwlabmap-seekdrwlabmap-tagDr. Wiggenstein’s Lab...


woogodeckmap-seekwoogodeckmap-tag...the Woogodeck...


pirateshipmap-seekpirateshipmap-tag...and a Pirate Ship!


Before each new round, the voting results are shown.


Besides voting on the map, there are also 3 game modes:

Original Tag
Hiders move 1 space each turn and Seekers
can see the Hider positions once per turn.

Fast Hiders
Hiders get to move 2 spaces each turn instead of 1.

Power Seekers
Seekers cannot see the Hider positions, but each
hole made by a balloon drop is permanent.


How to Enjoy Hide and Sneak!


9-missHide and Sneak has certainly come a long way since
you first saw photos of Woogi celebrities testing it...



...So look for the game flag and have a great time
playing this new game with all your online buddies!
I think you’re really going to like it!


So, Earth Agents...


- Have you played the new Hide and Sneak game yet?

- What Hide and Sneak level map is your favorite?

- Do you have a favorite Hide and Sneak game mode?


Write a blog Comment and let’s chat more about Hide and Sneak!


Until next time, Earth Agents!


Unknown said...

you should make a BigWig's ofice one!that would be cool

Anonymous said...

you should make a big wig office one!

purplepower said...

that would be sooooooooooo cool!!!!!