Thursday, March 11, 2010

A Valentine Mystery: CASE CLOSED!

Hi again, Earth Agents!



We’ve finally apprehended
the culprit behind the
Valentine Factory sinking...

...and it’s none other than





In this week’s Woogi World Weekly,
Weegor wrote an article explaining
how it all happened... again:


Day1Weegor got thirsty and stopped by
the Valentine Factory for a drink.


Day3Unfortunately, Weegor left the water running by accident.
He left the building, but the water didn’t stop!


Day8 Weegor didn’t even know that the Valentine Factory
sinking was his fault until Woogi officials told him!


Day16Weegor felt very bad about what he had done
and wanted to apologize to everyone immediately!


Celeb---Weegor I am so proud of Weegor for his good example!

Everybody messes up once in a while...
The important thing is to be like Weegor and
take responsibility for the messes that we make!

That includes apologizing to others that we may have hurt.


Sadly, it’s too late to save the Valentine Factory.

VdayFactorySinks One of my Woogi spies made this cool time-lapse video
so that we can always remember it.





Woogi World’s



21:00 – 23:00 WST


20090317_stpatricksgroup WEAR YOUR BEST GREEN OUTFIT!


So what do you think, Earth Agents...

- Do you accept Weegor’s apology?

- Will you miss the Valentine Factory?

- What would you like to see at the St. Patrick’s Day Party?


Write a blog Comment and share your thoughts!


Until next time, Earth Agents!


Anonymous said...

hey its yankeesfan i feel so proud of weegor for apoligzing and i'm he first commenter!!!!!!!!yay!!!


Anonymous said...

i am sad weegor did that but hey i have done worse (WAY but since he sorry it ok i guess.i won't really miss the factory anyway.valentines day over.AND ITS ST.PATTYS DAY!!!!YAY!!!(i am irish so it a big holiday)i cant wait for party!!!go green!!!(lol again) ok bye!!oh and this is lolowayso

Anonymous said...

aaaah! u ppl r 2 green...i might dress in green..

DoLpHiNxOxO :)

Anonymous said...

I accept Weegors' apoligy. I can't wait for the valentine factory next year. austin8181 (that's me) wants to see YY and Wally Woog at the St. Patricks Day Party, oh, and you!


trixie8 said...

i forgive weegor and i wont miss the valentine factory because i hardly ever used it unless i got bored! Plus i have a valentine! My computer freezes now when i go into the neighbourhood so i cant go to the party unless it stops doing that so i am bummed! tears! Its not fair! lol

trixie8 here!

Anonymous said...

I can't believe I thought it was Weevil!!! I wonder where Weegor got the peppers. It was gross that he drank from a.. nevermind. I wonder why Weegor keeps on destroying the Valentines Factory on accident!!!


Anonymous said...

Hey! It's bella8236! I couldn't be prouder of Weegor! I am so excited for the St. Patrick's Day party! Will the celebrities be giving out prizes (hint, hint: coupons)? I updated my outfit: it's green! Check it out!

Anonymous said...

Its okay for you to mess up.i can't wait for the party!


Anonymous said...

LOL in the new newspaper was that a sink or a toilet?


P.S in weegor's apology

Anonymous said...

it's not weegors fault well kind of but give the man a break, people that i know in real life are saying mean stuff so yea bye Bingy123

Anonymous said...

i am very sad about the valentine factory.....but of course, weegor DID apologize. I wasn't sure where to write my question, but i have a very difficult one. I got an Ice skate from the Wishing Well, but I can't find it. I looked in the Woogipedia for a answer, but I do not know what to do. Is there someone who I can ask?


Anonymous said...

on the other hand weegor you can't trust him most of the time well mostly you can't trust him with peppers :D :) ;) :( %) BINGY123

Anonymous said...

ok about the iceskate thing,you should go to the coupon centrel(its next to where the valentine factory was) then go in it and click on your "clothing coupon".then check your wigwam's outfit should be in there.if not,then i would send a note to yy or ask a celebertie when one comes.

Anonymous said...

At the St. Patrick's Day Party, I want games, all celebrities and green vision while playing on Woogi World.


Kabookie said...

I can't wait! I do acccept weegors apolagy because he wanted to apolagyse for it immediatly.(plus he is so funny!)

Anonymous said...

hey everyone! it's pianostar! :)
the valentine factory was my favorite building!! i so don't forgive weegor!! i don't like him but i pretend i do! :) lol! yay! st.patrick's day party!! i want a furniture item in the wishing well!! yay!! i can't wait! by the way instead of putting your clocks foward you made it go back! lol!

Anonymous said...

I do forgive weegor because everybody can make mistakes.

(especially weegor)

Anonymous said...

hey bigwig i got an idea for easter, a new dance move!!! it can be sort of like the bunny but it is a bunny eating a carrot and then hopping up and down, hope you like the idea!!!!


magmotar said...

rawr!!!!!!! magmotar will attack weegor and eat him for dinner rawr!!!!! he he
from magmotar

Anonymous said...

HI about Weegor i think it was cool he said sorry and i want to thank him for his good example to all woogies thanks!!!

Anonymous said...

hi people!!!! it's me ninja850yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeees it is! i really don't like weegor.....buuut i kinda do sooooo (yes i know i put to many o's e's and or well bye!!!!!!!!!! )no no no !!! not bye hello to many u's!!!!! (and !'s)bye now ~ninja850~XD!!

Anonymous said...

hi again it is I babzo ok ok some people are all like (to me) thier all like grrr when i wear my mushroom hat it is so unfair!!!I can wear what i want!!!oh and i like it that weegor did what he did it makes life fun!!

Anonymous said...

hi everybody!! I am rinnieroo and i like it that weegor apologized but he needs to brush his teeth! his breath probably stinks! bye!

rinnieroo said...

I have a question for everybody. Can Weegor still be allowed to come within a yard of the valentine factory? because i would forgive him but keep a reeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaallly close watch on him. Bag!


rinnieroo said...

Hey i am talking to lolwayso! i am sad too about what happened to the factory, but at least it still works! i have done way worse too. but you're right, he is sorry so it is OK. i won't miss the factory, although i liked the cards(i never used them though). And now it is past both st. patricks day and of course valentines day! i went to the party, how about you? Are you really Irish? go green!!! :) :D