Thursday, August 19, 2010

The Big Sur-Prize Is Revealed!

Hello, Earth Agents!



It’s no longer a secret...

The Prize Machine is now
part of Woogi World!


What Is the Prize Machine? 

PMCouponsThe Prize Machine is a new building that
gives out coupons for free prizes!


PMExterior It’s only open at special times, like holidays or parties,
but you’ll always know when it’s open because the
light on top of the building will be flashing.


How Do I Use the Prize Machine?


PMSpinWhen you enter the Prize Machine, it will begin to spin...


PMPrize ...until it finds a free prize for you!


PMButtonJust click the big red button...


PMClaim...and claim the prize by clicking “YES”... get a prize coupon that you can take to
the Coupon Center to receive your free prize!


What’s the Next Prize?


EndofSummerPrizeClueColorThe next prize comes on Monday...
I can’t tell you what it is, but here’s a sneak peek!



A Special Note:

During August, only Summer Splash members can get prizes from the Prize Machine.

It will be open for ALL Woogies starting in September!


Alright, Earth Agents...


- Do you like having the Prize Machine in Woogi World?

- What prize do you think is coming next week?

- What prizes would YOU put into the Prize Machine?


Write a blog Comment and let’s chat about the new Prize Machine!


Until next time, Earth Agents!


Anonymous said...

I would put in the prize machine a look like celebrity body! lol!


Anonymous said...

I think it's a fishing pole so you can fish valentine factory

--zealouslogster (again)

Anonymous said...

Wow i cant wait till the next prizes!!!!! I am so excited and i am lucky that i am in summer splash!


Woogiwoogileal said...

Hey BigWig! I thin k that the prize machine is awesome! Hmm... the prize for next week looks like a water gun boogi woogi! I like the prize machine pretty much... but I don't like that everyone can have bubble capes LOL!!


jug67 said...

hi i like the idea

varge said...

the next prize is a water gun!!

xx1megsta1xx said...

i wish i could get a prise. also, i think that the prize is a hmm not a fishing pole i have no idea! i would put a small bow bobbypin in the prize mashine. i would also put a christmas wreath!

Anonymous said...

when will it be in the beta club?


Anonymous said...

Dude i cant wait for it to be open for everyone because everyone had one of those capes and i want one!

Freecheese said...

Dude i cant wait for everyone to be able to get the prizes cuz i want the bubble thing.

Anonymous said...

Easy, splash water gun. thanks, chimbolo

corbin 5 said...

I am in summer splash and i can't wait for

ne123 said...

I think it like a thing where you can shoot out water of your hands

Anonymous said...

umm awesome prize and i know a cheat for this machine


Princess said...

Wow looks cool!!I wish I was in Summer Splash!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

hmm... i don't think its really fair that only summer splash members can get it now, but i think the prize machine is a great idea!

Anonymous said...

i want rare flowers for girls in the prize machine and yes i love it being here and i cant wait for september because then i can get something from it


Anonymous said...

i know the next prize. it's a water gun


varge said...

it is a floatable duck that shoots water!!!!


Anonymous said...

i think tat there should be different prizes and like a crane you should be able to pick it up if you have experience with cleaning xoogie habitats its would be easy.

Anonymous said...

i think it should be a crane but it is cool!

Anonymous said...

hey bigwig my name is manter on woogiworld and i was hoping that you can asign teachers sometimes please thanks

Anonymous said...

big wig why cant we change our woogi name on the management account????? please can you make us be alloud please please because i really want to change it because i think it is too long.

Anonymous said...

