Thursday, August 26, 2010

Exploring the Exploratorium!

Hello again, Earth Agents!



Woogi World doesn’t have a
School building anymore...

Now there’s a new building
called the Exploratorium!



An Inside Look at the Exploratorium

 ExplorIntThe room inside the Exploratorium
has lots of stuff to see!


ExplorIntIf you click the Studies Weekly device... 


SWCode... and enter the Secret Code from a
“Science Studies Weekly” newspaper...


SWComic... then you’ll get to read a Woogi World comic... 


SWGame9... and finish the comic’s story by playing a game!


SWGameOverComplete the game and you’ll win a Studies Weekly coin!


CoinBookIconClick on the Coin Book inside your Woogi Backpack...


CoinBookCoins... to see all the coins you’ve collected so far!


How Do I Get Secret Codes? 

Secret Codes are printed in issues of
the “Science Studies Weekly” newspaper,
which is delivered to your class at school.

If your class doesn’t get the newspaper,
then you can help make it happen:

SWCodeGo to the Studies Weekly device
inside the Exploratorium...


SWCode... and click “How Do I Get a Secret Code?”


SWFormClick the “Print Form” button to print an
information sheet to give to your teacher at school.


SWCodeThen you can get a Secret Code from the
newspaper each week to use in the Exploratorium!


So, Earth Agents...


- Are you happy or sad that the School building is gone?

- How do you like the new Exploratorium building?


Write a blog Comment and let’s talk all about the Exploratorium!


Until next time, Earth Agents!


Anonymous said...

what is the point bigwig it just chacned how it look in the outside.


Anonymous said...

the new school is sweet it's way better than that normal school.. =!)

Anonymous said...

now that it chanced it looks less scary!lol


Anonymous said...

There's pretty much nothing changed with it.

--zealouslogster the spider 8888)

Greg said...

I wish my school looked liked the woogiworld school... That would be awesome!


Anonymous said...

I Dont Get Da Differencee .. !!


Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

i really like the new look of the school, looks better than before!


Anonymous said...

why u cant get in science weekly only with a code.dont that make u mad.when u out of school u cant get the out of a regaular newspaper.

Unknown said...

But i'm homeschooled!

Anonymous said...

Nothing really changed just the outside look. I do have to say I will miss the old school building but the new one looks so cool on the outside! Peace out suckers! LLLLLLLLLLOOOOOOOLLLLLLLSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!
