Thursday, September 9, 2010

Free For All!

Hi, Earth Agents!



Guess what...

The Prize Machine is now
open to all Woogies!


BigWigOutside Visit the Prize Machine to claim your free prize!


Light The light on top of the building will flash whenever there’s a free prize being given out to Woogies, like there is this week!


SelfStatuePrize This week’s free prize is a very rare Self Statue for everybody!


PMButton Just click the big red button...


BigWigStatue ...and get your free prize!


Alright, Earth Agents...


- Do you like using the Prize Machine?

- Are you happy to get a rare Self Statue coupon?

- What prizes would YOU put into the Prize Machine?


Write a blog Comment and let’s chat about the Prize Machine!


Until next time, Earth Agents!


Woogiwoogileal said...

Yay!! I have got the self statue now!! Its awesome!! hmm... I would put in a body color because I want a body color so bad and the prize machine would save me!! Well I hope there can be free body colors because it's the thing I mostly want!!


C said...

i love the prize machine it is so coll i also like the self statue.

puertoricanboy said...

bigwig that is so cool in thw wishing well was soooo coasty

tentenninja said...

uhmmm..i want color coupons and christmas wreaths in there! that would be awesome


varge said...

bigwig i would like a color coupon next time the prize machien has a prize because everybody is begging the celebrities to give them color coupons. i too want color coupon so next time can you make it that?

from, varge and varge 2

Anonymous said...

bigwig does not change the prize machine wallywoog does..


Anonymous said...

there was already a color coupon in it but it was only for summer splash....


Anonymous said...

nice i got all free statues for my other account woogiworld rocks and it is getting better!!!!!!!


Anonymous said...

i love itt an u puta color coupon in theprize machine


OostylishoO said...

- Do you like using the Prize Machine?


- Are you happy to get a rare Self Statue coupon?


- What prizes would YOU put into the Prize Machine?