2010 was a great year, Earth Agents...
But I have a feeling that 2011
will be even better!
Celebrate New Year’s with Woogi World!
Get 2 FREE GIFTS from Woogi World on New Year’s Eve
to celebrate the start of another great year!
Here’s a sneak peek of the gifts:
One is in the Prize Machine and the other is in the Wishing Well.
I’ll see you in 2011, Earth Agents!
I’ve got some questions, Earth Agents...
- How much do you like the New Year’s Eve gifts?
- What things would you like to see in Woogi World in 2011?
Write a blog Comment and let’s chat about New Year’s 2011!
Until next time, Earth Agents!
first comment, yay!
i cannot wait for the prizes!
p.s. i like those snowman prizes.
The First Prize is a Snowman.
Second Prize is a New Year's Eve Cannon!!!!!
Hey bigwig 2011 is sounding awesome. I just wanted to remind that there is a sports club in a lonely corner that wants to be opened so when you get the chance could you do something with that. Thanks.
In 2011 I think there should be jobs that woogi's can sign up for. (Vet,hair stylist,etc...)-tootsie112
Whoa first comment!!!!Hi Bigwig.i really want the new years gifts.In 2011 i want to see a new building ok?
Woogi name:wgj021801 :D
I missed this in the last comment Bigwig,sorry.This year was my first year on woogiworld and things were changing since i have first been on and i love how they have changed!!!!
Woogi name:wgj021801 :D
big wig i wanted to know my name on woogiworld.com is savara why cant i chat on it. It says it has been provoked what did i do?
hey bigwig!!
it's me pianostar! long time no blog comment! :) I have been dying for a snowman 2010! and plus it's me second favorite color! RED! i think the other one is a confetti canon. 2011 is close! it's creepy how this year's time flew right by! it feels like i've seen the ball drop 3 months ago! well, 2011's ball drop will rock ur sox :) i LOVED 2010 on woogiworld so so so so much! i think there needs to be a reminder though... SPORTS CLUB!!
yikes! but i have some questions for you to answer on woogiworld.
. did you forget about the sports club?
.can the wishing well now be a watt everyday but on holidays it's free?
lol some weird questions huh? OMG this blog comment is outraegously long. i do not care. i'm still writing! the only thing starting to get super boring is the art studio and trading card outpost. you should get rid of those. but here's what i liked in 2010. all the christmas lights and decor, the new xoogi containers, the wishing well gifts, and the sports club being shown. here's the only thing i LOVED about 2010.... can you guess what it is... really?? (:) it is... i need courage to say this thing! here goes nothing...
PRIZE MACHINE!!!!!!!!!!! i think the snowman will be in the wishing well (like always) ok thanks for accepting this super long comment! i'm going to watch happy new year charlie brown!
first comment.............
first time ever...........
see y'all on woogiworld
i just got the move and I showed someone else how to get it. Does that count as service?
hey bigwig! this is my first comment ever! i really want more storage area in closets.... my friend just joined and she only have 2 hats and she could not get another one. and i think celebrities should be able to get added by woogis. Happy New Year!
Big Wig, for this New Year, can we all woogi's have free membership?PLEASE?!?I am really looking forward to it.Thanks!
Like OMG!! 2011! EEK!
on woogiworld i would like to see woogies fly or have vehicles to ride around in. and make a game in the neighborhood to have races like in 'mario kart!' i hope we get something like this
from lillyrose8
the year is ending!!!!! why?!?!?!
oh yeah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
a new year is coming! awesome!!!!
sports club!!!!!!!!!!!
needs to be opened! ^_^
i agree with tootsie112!!!!!!
wow this comment is long!!!!!
wow this comment is long!!
i'm off to eat something!!!!
going now!!!!!!!!!!!!
ah i can't stop typing!!
ok see you everyones!!!!!
p.s. i got first comment......lol ok ttyl
Happy New Year Bigwig!I can't beleve that it's finaly 2011!By the way,I got what I always wanted for Christmas!I didn't even get it from Santa at all!I bet 2011 will be better than 2010 just like you think!
Woogi Name:akj021801 ;D
I didn't like my Christmas Eve....
Someone broke my heart........
You might know him............
I can't wait for next Christmas. Maybe I'll be happier.
Cheers to the new year!
wow i think this comment is different from the other ones i sent in...
ok, my last comment was a little bit sad. or boring. well, sorry to bum you down.
?! leah987 !?
p.s i am still really sad.
p.s.s please don't be mean
about this comment or the
last one.
BigWig the prizes are awesome!!!!!!!!
Hi Big Wig i really love the plant woog. I really hope it will be opened in 2011.May i have a new move?
Like a new years dance or something?
If you allow please leave a message on my wall.Thanks again for plant woog.
From your biggest fan Sgy
i can't wait!!!! i want prizes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!lots and lots. i really hope that we get a color coupon from the prize machine. it'll be awesome!!!
thanks big wig and i really like that party popper thingy. yeah. and i really think that u should make woogi membership free like face book.
hey everyone!
I don't comment much lol but Happy late New Year! too bad i can't attend to any parties due to way off time zones lol
and yeah can't want to see what 2011 has in store for us
DJkool/ Roxyc00l
Hi this is so cool leaving my very first comment!
HEY! umm... HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE!!!! 2010 was AWESOME! Oh and leah987 on woogiworld is cool too!! lol.
i want a new club
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