I really liked Wally Woog’s list in this week’s issue of Woogi World Weekly.
Here’s the list that he calls his
“10 Favorite Things That Came to Woogi World in 2010.”
10. Camera Saving
Last January, Woogies could start taking pictures with their Woogi Camera and save the photos to their DigiWoog!
9. Summer Splash
For 3 months this summer, Woogies could go to Woogi World’s daily summer camp at Camp Muddytown. They played lots of fun games, learned new things, and earned very rare prizes!
8. The New WoogiWorld.com
Woogi World’s website got a makeover this year!
Not only does it look better, but it added a Downloads page
filled with free Woogi World stuff for your computer!
7. Mascot VIPs
Digi, from Cox Communications, became the first-ever
Mascot VIP on Woogi World!
6. Newspapers for Sale
Woogies can now buy issues of Woogi World Weekly and read them anytime on their DigiWoog! It’s a great way to remember what happened on Woogi World or keep a special memory.
5. Exploratorium
The School Building was removed and the Exploratorium was built in its place. The best part? Every Woogi can play games and earn coins in the Exploratorium now without needing any codes!
4. Prize Machine
The Prize Machine is one of the best buildings on Woogi World! The building’s light turns on whenever there’s a prize inside for Woogies, and the prizes are always free!
3. Professor Woogwise
Professor Woogwise is Woogi World’s newest Celebrity VIP
and the principal of Woogi Academy, which is coming soon.
2. Xoogies Get Emotional
Xoogies started showing their feelings this year.
To help Woogies take care of their pets, new Xoogi Containers were created, along with lots of new ways to feed them!
1. CyberHero Missions
Not only did CyberHero arrive this year, but he brought
4 brand new and exciting missions to Woogi World! These missions teach Woogies the importance of staying safe
and healthy when using technology.
Honorable Mentions
Wally’s list only had the Top 10 items, but 2010 brought lots of other new things too. Maybe one of them is your favorite...
The Arcade Gets a New Look
(and New CyberHero Games Added!)
The Valentine Factory Is Flooded...
Exciting New Holiday Outfits Are Given Out
Wally Woog Updates the Woogipedia
(and Adds Lots of New Information!)
The News Stand Changes
(When New Issues Arrive!)
The Kids’ Science Challenge Returns
It Snows for the First Time
(and Woogies Decorate with Lights!)
Now it’s your turn, Earth Agents...
- What’s YOUR “Woogi World Top 10 List” for 2010?
Write a blog Comment and let’s talk all about 2010’s Top Ten!
Until next time, Earth Agents!
since when could you save pictures on your camera to your digiwoog?
I have returned!!!! :) where is the valentine factory?? i miss it! i love to decorate i know weird for a kid but i love it! especially a valentine's day building! i am wicked excited. you should get a little toy valentine factory for our wigwam that actually works because weegor always destroys the real big one. and when it flooded was the WORSE part of 2010 :( the arcade is awesome! i can't save pictures yet. i've never meet professer woogiwise. can a woogi tell me about him??? Digi is so cute!! a little woogi robot! well, that's all for today!
UMMM... i thought you left a comment leah987! Oh well. Lol. hey, i didn't know we could save pictures on our digiwoog camera thingy! I tried, but it never worked. OH! Maybe it's only for whp...got...it.......... leah987 is awesome! meet her! lol. -hannah00000
What i liked about 2010 is 1.the new woogiworld and the 2.secret woogiworld website that weegor told me about today www.woogiworld.com/mediakit 3.the exploratorium i liked, 4.especially the prize machine 5.the new xoogi thing the 6.cyber hero missions 7.the holiday outfits were awesome and i have the exact same shoes for the frosty outfit in the picture of it 8. i like that non whp can now say home,9. i love the snow,how do you get the xoogi to do the silly look?
10.pictures that you can print with camera
you need to allow us to save pictures and open the ? button on the bottom and open the woogiworld stadium
Woogi name:wgj021801
dear PLAY button,
I am sooo sorry for clicking and hittin you so much......please forgive me, it's just that woogiworld is soooooooo fun.
IT'S THE BOMB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
well, back to *sorries*, i play everyday, and it's soo much fun to play with koogi123 and hannah00000, so sorry PLAY button for clickin ya all the time.
LOL... well, nothing to say...oh yeah! I can't wait 'til valentine's day is here! Oh, and i hope we get new prizes for it...yeah... happy times.. i know i know, THAT was weird. I'm weird ok??!! lol. :) :) -hannah00000
i have never seen the valentine factory i got this cape that are cupid darts and i think you can get them in the factory.BUT! the prize machine is there so the cupid darts might be in there bye!from chickenwing123 i love chicken wings!!!
Bigwig I Got An Idea Dont put this on your comment blog how about be have a meeting in Stadium to talk about the 100 newspaper.
I am jgjone
hannah00000, no fair!! you copied happy times from my brother! lol
well, i can't wait for
but i don't have a valentine, because he's a meanie.
oh well!!!!!!!!!
pip pip, cheerio
Bigwig I have a question not about the Blog.Why is there only one one those things with frozen water coming out on the wishing well?
Your friend,Cocoloco5
P.S.I have never been able to save picture and I still can't I have check 3 time 3 different days and it won't work.
Hey! guess what...I LOVE TO EAT CHICKEN!!! YUM!! LOL. Let's see..um..about..OH MY GOSH! ONLY 25 MORE DAYS 'TIL VALENTINE'S DAY!! OH YEAH! I wonder when it's Valentine's Day, will the prize machine be there? Or will the Valentine's Factory be there? I want to see the Valentine's Factory, but i want to get prizes too! lol wow this is my longest comment ever! OK, EAT CHICKEN EAT CANDY EAT TURKEY EAT CHOCOLATE EAT YUMMY STUFF... ALWAYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lol... -hannah00000
Sorry for this SUPER late comment!
Here's my top 10 list of 2010:
10.) The new EXPLORATORIUM! The reason it is #10 is because it's just like the school!
9.) The Holiday Outfits! The reason this is #9 is because I am not a fan of outfits, But literally yesterday I deleted the Frosty Outfit! LOL!
8.) KSC! The reason this is #8 is because I couldn't sign up but the videos were amazing!!!
7.) The newstands' NEW LOOK! The reason this is #7 is because I read the newspaper every Wednesday and the new look makes me excited!
6.) You could play games without codes in the Exploratorium! The reason this is #6 is because we can play MORE fun games with an educational value! That's what's unique about the games!
5.) The new XOOGI EMOTIONS! The reason this is #5 is because it makes the xoogi look more realistic.
4.) The new CYBERHERO MISSIONS! The reason this is #4 is because they teach you VERY important computer lessons. They also added more games to the arcade!
3.) DIGI FROM COX COMMUNICATIONS! The reason this is #3 is because He's Very Cute! He also represents woogiworld! This was very new and some woogies forgot him! You should talk about him more.
2.) PROF. WOOGWISE! The reason this is #2 is because he's a new celebrity, He teaches math, and he's hosting the woogiworld academy!
1!!!!!.) SUMMER SPLASH!!!!!!!!! The reason this is #1 is because even you know i couldn't join it was really fun for my friends and it's FREE this year and i can't wait to try it out! Some rare prizes were given out! And most woogies who signed up said it was phenomenal!
Well, I hoped you enjoyed my...
TOP 10 LIST OF 2010!
The top 10 was very reasonable.
I personally LOVED the outfits. They gave me pleasure. The lights are the best thing. They look even BETTER this year! :]
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