YY’s Music Club Celebration isn’t the only party this month...
This week is Woogi World’s Easter Party!
Woogi World’s
Easter Party!
Friday, April 22
21:30 – 23:00 WST
While at the party, take pictures and play
games with the Woogi celebrities!
And be sure to get your free Easter
gift from the Prize Machine too!
One of my Woogi spies took this photo of the
Easter gift, but I don’t know what it is!
I hope to see you at the party!
Alright, Earth Agents...
- Are you coming to the Easter Party on Friday?
- What do you think the Easter gift could be?
- What’s your favorite thing at a Woogi World party?
Write a blog Comment and let’s chat about the Easter Party!
Until next time, Earth Agents!
i hopeing i can go to the party and it its easy to figure out what the prize it so simple it a the peeps candy suit but i could be wrong who knows
till next time
p.s i hope you can change the color of the costume, ♫ have a hopy easter♫
YES!!! It's an easter chick peep hat! I LOVE <3 PEEPS!!! i also got the rare bunny hat! This party is usually the best for me. I can always make friday parties. not so much tuesday or monday parties.
Pianostar :(
The Easter gift is a peep costume duh!
Bigwig,I know this has nothing to do with this blog,but I've been wondering how to find the Navigation Super Tutorial.Please tell me on your next blog.Make it a Bigwig's Q & A and put my question on there because I really want to know.Please look at this comment and do it.
Woogi Name:wgj021801
Nice.. I dont go on here much but i can't wait until it.. but why do people think about the Easter Bunny? Isn't about the passover? Anyways, Im going to be there!
I hope I can go but it's pretty much too late for me in my part of the world ! I think the Easter gift is a hat of some sort!
i knew it i was right abot the peeps candy suit
The prize is a giant peep! Happy Easter!
P.S. Have you ever put a peep in the microwave? it's awesome! :-)
Dear MBee.
That's sounds disgusting! what if it burns? i HATE!! melted marshmellows.
Good work on the best easter party ever created! it was way fun! And also we have over 100 woogies in my club trying to get the OLD WOOGIWORLD BACK!!! WE WANT THE OLD WOOGIWORLD!! PLEASE!!!!!!
Yo pianostar
what's wrong with da new salon!?!?!
and da totally awesome new pets!?!
btw i saw the movie Rio
Hi Bigwig.I really like the chick suit.................................IT'S AWESOME!
Well,please take care of woogiworld.
woogi name:cutiepie218d;D
YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO BROTHERS. THIS IS BOOGER65. This is very cool and I've made thoughtful and right choice that we decorate for easter, but since its too late let that be plans for next year? Thanks, big wig and all the other awesome celebrites, that counts you big wig.
i wish they could put dr gloves back vote you have a right.
hi bigwig!! can you do a questionnaire? i really want to ask some questions, maybe one maybe a couple... but i love woogiworld and i hope i can talk to you later!! bye bye!
Hi bigwig!! It is purple 022! i just wanted to ask you some stuff! can we have a like questionnaire kind of? i bet a lot of woogies have things to ask! anyway if we can please announce it! i have many question. but not TOO many. your the best! Hope to see you in woogiworld! bye bye now!
yo people! I love the new peep costume! I shall never delete it.
I dont think it is fair that summer splash is now free because i paid alot of money for it last year. Now it seems like a waste of money. I am so sad.
Yo Pianostar the only thing i miss about old woogiworld is the awesome glitches! Like the one where you turn invisable.
the peep chick suit is awesome!!!!!!I <3 peeps! P.S.............................:D!
The easter party was fun and i got a cool bunny hat and peep costume and easter egg move. I think that was the best easter party ever!!!
hi big wig i was wondering if it was possible (just maybe) if i could become a celebrity? please? i know you will say no.
Hopeful woogi
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