Thursday, September 15, 2011

Woogi Celebrities Want Your Feedback!

Hi, Earth Agents!


Do you want to be a part of
Woogi World’s success?...

Now you can with
Woogi World Feedback!


Woogi World Feedback


Woogi World Feedback lets you write messages directly to the
Woogi celebrities so that we can know what you’re thinking!


Where Is Woogi World Feedback?

WW-Logo To get to the new Woogi World Feedback,
you don’t even have to log in to Woogi World!


In the URL address bar of your Internet browser, type:


Or you can get there from the Woogi World Weekly newspaper in
Woogi World by clicking this button on the Announcements page:



What to Write


Even though you can write to the Woogi celebrities about
anything, here are some helpful ideas to get you started:

  • What You Like in Woogi World
  • What You Don’t Like in Woogi World
  • Ideas for New Things in Woogi World
  • Saying Thanks to the Woogi Celebrities
  • If Something Is Broken in Woogi World
  • Ways to Improve Woogi World
  • Anything Else about Woogi World!


What NOT to Write


The Woogi celebrities promise to read all of your messages,
but nobody can write back to them...

So you should NOT write questions to Woogi World Feedback
because we can’t send any answers to you. Sorry!


WoogipediaIconBut... You can still get lots of answers inside Wally Woog’s Woogipedia! His book is found inside your Woogi Backpack.


So, Earth Agents...


- Do you like the new Woogi World Feedback?

- Have you written to Woogi World Feedback yet?

- How much do you think you’ll use Woogi World Feedback?


Write a blog Comment and let’s chat all about
Woogi World Feedback!


Until next time, Earth Agents!


Anonymous said...

i like this new feedback i alreay type a new idea for woogiworld hopping that it will come true on day but who knows

your hoping friend


Anonymous said...

bring back the mailbox!!! all in favor say pickles

Anonymous said...

Holy my first time ever second comment?AWESOME!BY the way,it's awesome to have this feedback thing!Now i don't have to wait for you celebrities and ask! lightning300088 p.s:Next year for summer splash we should have belts and have a club for it.

Anonymous said...

ah....its not working for me. I tried clicking the link...and it just said error code.Maybe it has something to do with the browser i'm using? Google Chrome?Well,hope it works soon!


Anonymous said...



pianostar said...

I LOVE the feedback! I leave messages every single day! I suggested that the nutrition building should become a FREE club!
Pianostar :)

Anonymous said...

awe....i've already sent a question before you told me.....oh well at least i know now....


Anonymous said...

its cookies_123 and i we should give out more prizes! and summer spalsh stuff so win its time we are readi!

Woggikid said...

I will write woogiworld feedback and school back ugh....


th10 said...

I like the new feed back thing i got lots of great ideas to make woogi world better and hopefully one day my wishes will come true and all you woogis will love the idea

from a woogi called th10

woogi said...

hi bigwig i hope you read my comment i said thank you to wandawigs and you

Pegasus_Leah said...

hii i'm back from vacation in hawaii and i think this feedback thing is awesome, i haven't tried it yet. :)

Anonymous said...