You may recognize this
device as your DigiWoog...
But some big changes are
in store for you on Friday!
Introducing the DigiWoog 2.0
Here’s your first look at the new tablet-sized DigiWoog!
Every Woogi will get the new DigiWoog on Friday, October 14.
Music App
The DigiWoog organizes all your saved songs that you’ve
earned or created in YY’s Music Club and other places!
Just click on a song to play it. You can skip to any part of
the song that you like and even pause it if you need to.
And for those of you who helped me on last week’s blog, it turns
out that the secret picture was the new DigiWoog Music app!
It was to help me prepare for the DigiWoog 2.0 announcement.
Images App
All of your saved camera pictures or hand-drawn artwork will
be stored in this handy app! This is a look at Wally Woog’s.
You can view the pictures at this size or you can click the
button with arrows to have it fill your computer screen.
Documents App
This DigiWoog app lets you read saved documents, such as
stories you’ve written or Woogi World Weekly newspapers!
When viewing a newspaper, click on the View button
below it to read the newspaper at its normal size.
Videos App
Sometimes you may not have anything inside a DigiWoog app.
Don’t worry, the device will let you know where to start...
For example, buying videos at the Movie Theater is coming soon!
The Videos app on the DigiWoog organizes all of your saved
videos. They can be purchased videos or ones you’ve made
yourself in clubs like Woogi English!
Click a video to play it. You can watch the video at this size, or
you can click the button with arrows to have it fill your screen.
You can even pause the video and skip to your favorite parts!
WoogiBytes and Stuff
At the top of the DigiWoog is the amount of WoogiBytes it has.
Each time you add a song, image, document, or video to your
DigiWoog, you will use one WoogiByte.
You can get more WoogiBytes on your DigiWoog by purchasing
Woogi club memberships or the Woogi Honors Program.
When you are done with the DigiWoog, you can turn it off and return to Woogi World using the Power button in the corner.
Dr. Wiggenstein tells me that these four DigiWoog
apps are just the beginning...
New DigiWoog apps are coming soon and they will
change the way that you use Woogi World! Cool, huh?
So, Earth Agents...
- Are you excited about the DigiWoog 2.0?
- Which new app will you use the most?
- What ideas do you have for other DigiWoog apps?
Write a blog Comment and let’s chat about the DigiWoog 2.0!
Until next time, Earth Agents!
awesome! !!!!!!!!! rosalie00-
you should add games!!!!!!!!!!
The images app seems really cool, and i think it's cool how your digiwoog uses woogibytes.
pianostar i thought you were never ever going to post another comment???!?!!
ooooh this is cooooool :D!!!!!!
hi sheona
hi hannah
hi kansas
hi winnie
hi shishi
hi..guy who is reading this comment
hi taylor swift
hi mario's head
hi spongebob
and......HELLO ME!!!!!!!!!
looks pretty good, i think it would be brilliant to have games on it. oh and pianostar i thought that you weren't going to post another comment.
that is so cool there should be a games app like wiggi kart.
Its almost like an Apple ipad!
this is so awesome its just like a tablet or ipad!!ill finally get what i wanted for so many birthdays and christmas...just online!!!!!!
Cutiekenz (is awesome)
Good question. The night i said goodbye one last time, i announced i would take questions for one week only on bigwig's blog
{Pianostar :)}
This is like a woogi iPad! It should get a better reputation than the woog locker does! Make GAMES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Wogg I.Kid
Wish me good luck. With it i will remain undefeated it everything i do!
hey it's yo fellow friend!:lightnin! :D yo guys doin.......awesome change for digiwoogs too plus.....i noticed there's an extra woogibyte for non whp! p.s. you should put games like woogiworld kart compared to mario kart on wii bye!
man pianostar you always say you quit but you NEVER do quit. anyway nice digiwoog!!!! i am still wondering if i get xtra space because i club member,,,,,,,,,,,,
That's pretty cool. Are we able to listen to music while we walk around?
Bignate your rude....Anyway LOVING THE DIGI WOOG
dear bignate,
Excuse me.... Watch the rudeness. Anywho i did quit. i am officially stopping bigwig's blog wednesday.
Hi everyone! I have great news. I am back on woogiworld! :)
I agree with bignate now -.-
Look guys when i use up all my watts i will be selling my account.....Goodbye woogi world My woogi will come back on with a new name which is 'Iamsocool64' if you see him it is me
pianostar.. goodbye....
The digiwoog is cool, sure, but I dont really want the way we play woogi world to change.
oh nevermind pianostar! hi
(I was the i like cheese person)
well, nevermind again then.... wow.
Oh bigwig, PUT GAMES ON IT!!!! That would make it more fun. And why did you let some woogi put that when he runs out of watts that he will sell his account?!?! Anyway, I like CHEESE too. My other account is soon to be a beta tester. hi1712-hi7121
Hello, woogies and Big Wig!
Everyone is excited for this.
Let's put cool games on it. Again,
Let's put cool games on it. Bye! :)
Actually, games would be quite cool.
So, we could have lots of games.
So, I like cheese.
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