Thursday, April 12, 2012

Can You Pronounce the Word “FUN”?

Hello again, Earth Agents!



Woogi World’s English Club
just got even more exciting...

Because there’s a brand new
club game that everyone on
Woogi World can play!

A New English Club Game!

After playing the game “Contraction Action,”
lots of you wanted more English games to play...


Now there is a new game in the English Club
called “Pronunciation Pitfall!”


But it looks a little scary to me! Eek!


Inside Pronunciation Pitfall’s Labyrinth


You’re a Greek hero trapped inside a maze-like labyrinth.
Oh, no! What’s that noise?!



You better grab the map and RUN!!!



You’ll need to use the map to know which way to go...
Are you hearing the word SHIP or the word SHEEP?



Choose the correct path to escape the dreadful Xoogitaur!



Choose the wrong path and... GULP!


Want More Woogichievements?

You got it! Check them out...


There’s 4 new Woogichievements for mastering
the Pronunciation Pitfall game!



Complete the Woogichievements to earn points and cool
prizes, like this Xoogitaur statue for your Wigwam!

(It’s scary even when it’s not moving! Yikes!)


So, Earth Agents...


- Have you played Pronunciation Pitfall yet?

- What are your favorite things about the new game?

- Have you mastered any of the levels so far?


Write a blog Comment and let’s chat about Pronunciation Pitfall!


Until next time, Earth Agents!


Brendogg said...

I can't want until I can play that game! It sounds super fun, adventerous,and myterious! All at the same time! Can't wait to play it!

cooldude22 said...

I think the English club was a great idea. The activities are so fun.

Winnie4444444 said...

I have played pronunciation pitfall about 3 times so far!

My favourite thing is that you get to learn how to pronounce new words.

So far I have mastered level 1 and 4!