Thursday, April 5, 2012

An Egg-cellent Easter Party!

Hi, Earth Agents!


Another holiday means
another amazing day of
incredible online fun...

Like Woogi World’s
Easter Party on Monday!


Woogi World’s

Easter Party!


Monday, April 9

21:30 – 23:30 WST


At the party you can take pictures, chat, and play games with Woogi World’s most famous celebrities!

Check out this cool photo from last year’s party:


There will also be a free Easter gift in the Prize Machine during Easter weekend (Friday – Monday)
that you can wear to the party!
eastergift4Just be careful that it doesn’t melt...
Talk about a mess!


I’ll see you at the party!


So, Earth Agents...


- Are you coming to Monday’s Easter Party?

- What are you wearing to the party?

- What is your favorite Easter item on Woogi World?


Write a blog Comment and let’s chat about the Easter Party!


Until next time, Earth Agents!


Nickel Pickle said...

I am probably going to wear my news reporting outfit, but with the prize machine outfit instead of my news reporting hat. I hope we play Outfit Hopping, Woogilympics, and we get warped to celebrity's wigwams. I can't wait! Until next time, BigWig!

Pianostar said...


Winnie4444444 said...

Wow! The party is going to be so much fun this year! I'm going to come if I can! That prize looks awesome... I WANNA EAT IT :D

shammaas4 said...

meh the hat is gud but i really wanted a peep outfit oh well...

Anonymous said...

i am coming the party awesome and that hat i want to eat I'm with winnie4444444

woowooblueheart said...

I want to say that i want sharks in the water with celeberties. I will wear my bunny ears with my white gloves and white shoes my sister woowooblueheart will wear the same except her ears are the prize machine ears I love all celebs hope they can (all) be there.

hearty98 said...

Sorry wrong woogi i posted but, I want to play sharks in the water with celeberties. I am wearing my easter bunny ears with white gloves and shoes my sister woowooblueheart will wear the same except she will have prize machine hat. I love all celeberties hope they'll (all) be there.

Plooby1234567890 said...

Too bad I only have an iPad:(

Anonymous said...

Wishing i could go to the party!
GOT A BLOG!!! :):)

Anonymous said...

where is the party

shammaas4 said...

great party couldent make it came at the moment but meh had a trill btw JOIN MY NEW KIDS CLUB

shammaas4 who just got free dr gloves from fluffymo XD

cooldude22 said...

The chocolate bunny ears are awesome.

Anonymous said...

I love playing this game on my nook tablet