Thursday, September 27, 2012

October Is Filled with Treats!

Hello, Earth Agents!


I’m back this week with
another BigWig’s Q&A...

That’s when you ask me a
Question, blog readers...

... and then I give
you the Answer!


This Week’s Question:

Are we going to see some cool
new stuff on Woogi World soon?



BigWig’s Answer:

Of course! Just check out
what’s in store for October!


A Better Look at Something New


Do you remember this spy photo from last week’s blog?



The spies of Sector 7Z had a busy week trying to unscramble
the data in that photo, but it appears they succeeded:


My secret sources tell me this is coming soon! Yay!


Even More October Fun!


Can you guess what else might be coming
in October by looking at these photos?



Eek! Spooky!



Definitely checked.


So, Earth Agents...


- Are you excited for October?

- What do you think the spy photos show?

- Which spy photo is the most interesting to you?


Write a blog Comment and let’s chat about October Fun!


Until next time, Earth Agents!


Pianostar said...

I think I know all three of those things.
The 7Z thing: A woogiworld memory game.
The ghost costume: Woogiworld's Halloween Party
The check mark: You see that in the voting booth. I think it's gonna be like 2008... an election for the president!!
~Pianostar :)

jessie420 said...

I completely agree with Piano, too.
Maybe we will get candy to eat on WW.

imabossinahonda said...

definitely what piano said

Anonymous said...

I'm super ready for October. I love Halloween! I can't wait for the Woogiworld Halloween Party! ~~Rosalie00

Anonymous said...

Anonymous says...

I can't wait for October my birthday is in October so that is one of the reasons plus this is my last time going trick-or-treating so I am also sad. :(

theman13 said...

i am looking foward to the haloween and thanksgiving partys, but Bigwig cna you please make all of the items the celebrities give out at the party immortal because i recently lost whp and they would be no use to me. write on my wall or something. Thanks Bigwig!
