Thursday, September 6, 2012

Going Back to School in Style!

Hello, Earth Agents!



Now that the summer
(and Summer Splash)
is over

It’s time for all of us
to go back to school!


Woogi Back to School Gear

Because school is back in session for Woogies,
their outfits have begun to change too...


Lots of Woogies can be seen wearing the School Bus Helmet,
which was given out for free in the Prize Machine last weekend.


Other Woogies are getting their “point” across by wearing
a Pencil Head, but are dragging their Eraser Feet.



And then there are some Woogies who are wearing the
School Backpack around, which makes sense since it has
everything that a student will ever need in it.

schoolpartygiftrevealIt even has an apple for teacher!


“Fall” into a Surprise Spy Photo!

WW-LogoEven though the summer is over, Woogi World promises
to offer more fun games and activities all year long!


Just check out this brand new spy photo of... something cool:

sneakpeek3Whatever it is, I hear it’s coming this fall. I can’t wait!


Alright, Earth Agents...


- What Back to School outfit are you wearing?

- Are you excited to go back to school?

- What do you think is in the spy photo?


Write a blog Comment and let’s chat more about Back to School!


Until next time, Earth Agents!


abood328 said...

do we have to pay to play this game ?
cause,, i can never get it then and i think that's a new woogichievement

jessie420 said...

It's woggikid here, and I can't wait. I have actually been in school four weeks already! Issac got us days off :)

I can't wait to see what's happenin with woogiworld this fall! Hope to see you all on WW.

Anonymous said...

Heys !

( Nicky95783 )

Can't wait for Fall this year . And in the picture .. I see Dr.Wiggenstein and Weegor and that dude .. From the cover that has Woogi World next to him . I agree with Abood328 , I think its like a new woogichievement .

imabossinahonda said...

Probably a new app


imabossinahonda said...

Probably a new app


mystery122668 said...

i was not back in school till thursday the 6th of september sorry mystery122668