Thursday, January 10, 2013

Pulling the Plug on Holiday Lights

Hello again, Earth Agents!


Now that the holidays are over,
it’s time for the festive holiday
lights around Woogi World to
be taken down...

I sure am going to miss them!


A Last Look at the Lights

The holiday lights around Woogi World really do make everything
seem a little brighter.
Here are some of my favorite displays:

WoogLocker&HomeSupplyThese stores are cleverly decorated, but I’d be careful if I were
that snowman. Hot cocoa and snow aren’t a good combination!


Arcade&MovieTheaterSomeone’s been up on the rooftop of the Movie Theater...
Was it the Light Brigade installing decorations, or someone else?


ArtStudio&TradingCardsAfter seeing its fun holiday display, maybe the Trading Card
Outpost should start thinking about selling greeting cards too!


Salon&XoogiPetsThe Xoogi reindeer are an incredibly clever display, but will the
snowmen ever learn that beautiful hair is not worth melting over?


The Lights’ Last Day


If you want to see the lights one last time (and maybe even
take a photo or two while you’re at it), you better do it soon!

The last day to see the lights is Friday, January 11!


SlideSnowThen the plug will be pulled, the lights will go out,
and all that will be left is the snow.

(Well, at least until the next winter when the
lights WILL return to Woogi World! Yay!)


Alright, Earth Agents...


- Will you miss the holiday lights too?

- What building’s decorations are your favorite?

- When do you think holiday lights should be taken down?


Write a blog Comment and let’s chat more about the Holiday Lights!


Until next time, Earth Agents!