Thursday, May 30, 2013

Meet the CampWoogs!

Hi, Earth Agents!


Summer Splash 2013
is almost here...

So let’s meet some of
the Woogi VIPs who help
make it so awesome!


A Brief Interview with the
Summer Splash Camp Counselors


BigWig: I know you’re all really busy getting camp
ready for this year’s Summer Splash on June 24,
so thanks for being here...



CampWoog Drew: It’s a pleasure!





CampWoog Sean: No problem!





CampWoog Matt: You’re welcome.


BigWig: What do each of you do to help make
Summer Splash so successful?



CampWoog Drew: Most Woogies know me from
my work in the Splash Adventure Club. I visit
twice a day on weekdays during the summer
and we all have a real good time at camp!



CampWoog Sean: Sometimes I show up to the
club activities too because I don’t like to be left
out of all the fun, but my usual job is to think
up ideas for Summer Splash and make sure that
everything turns out great during the summer.



CampWoog Matt: A lot of Woogies may not know
this, but I ran the Splash Adventure Club years
ago, before CampWoog Drew. I still visit when I
can, but I prefer to keep things clean and tidy
around the Splash campground and focus on
keeping the different tents there operational.


BigWig: What are some of your favorite Summer
Splash activities?



CampWoog Drew: Definitely the trivia games in
the Splash Auditorium! Oh, and I really
like the Wigwam Contests a lot too!



CampWoog Sean: Trivia is super fun, but I like
the activities where the club members create
things, like Doodle Art, Pictionary, Joke Time,
and more. It’s a fun and funny time for all!



CampWoog Matt: Well, those are some fun
Splash Adventure Club activities, but I enjoy
the campground devices a bunch, particularly
the Photo Studio and the Reading Rewards!


BigWig: Will all three of you be at Summer Splash
this summer?



CampWoog Drew: Definitely! Join the Splash
Adventure Club and you’ll see me there almost
every day of the week!




CampWoog Sean: Yep, I’ll be there! Not as often
as CampWoog Drew maybe... I’ll show up when
you least expect it. It’s the element of surprise!



CampWoog Matt: Of course I’ll be at Summer
Splash, but you may not see me very often
because a lot of my work is done when no one
is around. It’s THAT top secret! Ha ha...


BigWig: Do you have a favorite saying that you’d
like to share with all the Woogies out there?



CampWoog Drew: “You rock!” and
“Don’t knock it till you try it!”




CampWoog Sean: “Never use poison ivy as toilet
paper!” That’s a good one, right?




CampWoog Matt: “A clean camp is a fun camp!”


BigWig: Those sayings are certainly... interesting.
Thanks again for your time and we’ll see all
of you again soon at Summer Splash!



CampWoog Drew: Thanks, BigWig!





CampWoog Sean: I can’t wait!





CampWoog Matt: I think this is going to be the
best Summer Splash ever!



So, Earth Agents...


- Do you have anything to say to the camp counselors?

- Do you have a favorite Summer Splash camp counselor?

- How would you have answered the interview questions?


Write a blog Comment and let’s chat more about Camp Counselors!


Until next time, Earth Agents!


purplepower said...

Ha! I hope I can catch CampWoog Matt there but it's going to be hard!!!!

awesomeguy said...

same for me but with campwoog sean!

Anonymous said...

So, much will Summer Splash cost this year? =P
