Strange things are still afoot in Woogi World this week...
Just yesterday I received another mysterious envelope under my office door. As you might have guessed, there were more photographs of the missing mailbox inside! Here they are:
The mailbox is visiting some very interesting places, but...
Why hasn’t it returned to Woogi World yet?
Last week I also mentioned that something exciting will be happening in early September. I even gave you a hint...
It has something to do with this building:
Nobody’s guessed the right answer so far because it’s very tricky, so here’s another hint for you:
It won’t happen inside this building.
Do you have any new guesses now?
And speaking of exciting events...
Just last week,
the Woogi Readers Club reached 1,000,000
reading minutes
and YY’s Music Club
logged 2,000,000
practice minutes!
I’d like to thank every one of you that is participating in the clubs. Woogi World couldn’t have done it without your help, Earth Agents!
There’s still a lot of questions that I need your help with:
Where is the Woogi mailbox in these new photos?
- Do you think the Woogi mailbox will ever return?
- What’s going to happen in early September?
Write me a Comment so that everyone can read your answers!
Until next time, Earth Agents!
I really have no idea about the school like does it envolve that party in the news?
well for the school it could be the math culb or it is going to be recss. and for the mail box it is still summer when fall or winter. your woogi world frind doodle321
School is starting!
u are going to do a makeover or replace the building with a brand new building
It's either the Math Club or School that's under construction, hint hint. Plus, you just edited them! >,< I can tell by the graphics and places.
mailbox: wow the mailbox is going to stony lands of stone now!
return: yeah maybe in the beginning or middle of September.
i still think its the science club, or the mailbox is going to rest at the school!
its school were goin to school :(
classroom and i ate a mailbox accidentally. oops :)
The school building is being re-molded and the mail box visited Easter island in the pacific ocean and Stonehenge in England. So thats what I think so bye. - A
THE CLASSROOMS ARE COMING YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111
i think that classes are going to open in early september.
by:queen1333 and dave667
I think the school is going to have a woogichevement for it.
i think it means classes are starting
we will be going to school in the school.the mail box will retern.
Dear Big Wig,
where do you complete the missions?????
Your woogi friend,
i think that the mailbox has forgotten about us. but it will return because i just know it will.
as for the school i think you are...
a. going to build something else there
b. gioing to have classes there
c. going to have a science or math club
p.s. i wanted to say hi to cookiejr, megloon, xgaotx, and croation6
i do not want school to start on monday!!!!!
I think in september classroom will open.
yo! wolf boy in the house!!!!! really i have no clue about the mailbox.....but! have no fear i didnt come just to say that the other thing about the school i think it has something to do with classrooms are you making us go to school???????????????????????
I have secret information about the mailbox's locations in the two pictures:
Picture One: The Ancient Ruins of Stonehenge in England.
Picture Two: The Ancient Easter Island "Moai" Head Statues on Easter Island.
I also know what is coming in September:
The Classrooms are coming, but the School's not going to be where they are located.
Duty calls, but I hope I have provided enough information concerning the matter. So long.
I GOT THE MAILBOX OUT!!! that just one letter
(hmm...what's in the envolope...)
oops instead of getting the mailbox out i got HAWKNELSON OUT!!!!!!!
I think for the school it will be some kind of club.The other questions are unown
bigwig i got a question about the mail box and it is important.what if it goes somewhere danagerous and gets destroyed.what will we do?i have no idea but i do not want that to happen!!!!!!!!!!from hairer
A graduation???? I really dont know..
I hope all the best your friend chipmonky
hi its me your woogi world friend mmmy ithink that the bigwig is making a classroom in the school
i ate the mailbox again oops. :)
(P.S. i was hungry
i think it will change into a math club by luigisocool
this is what i think:
1)the first picture is in The ancient ruins in england-stonehenge
;and the second picture is on easter island-statues of moai
2)yeah because i just think that the mailbox wanted a vacation so it can relax before it comes back to work again.that is why the mailbox is visiting those places
*one thing: bigwig,does the mailbox have a name other than "the mailbox"?
3)the school is either
*b*something is gonna be built in front of it
your woogi world friend,
haha great joke zeal!
Hi there
i don't have any guests about the school but i think the mail box is at the home suply building!
i think there is some kind of party going on
i do not have any idea.
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