This week on BigWig’s Blog,
I’m featuring an online interview with Digi,
Woogi World’s newest mascot.
Thanks for meeting with me, Digi!
It’s my pleasure! Thanks for
inviting me to Woogi World!
I think the Earth Agents would like to know
more about you. Where do you come from?
Maybe you can tell, but I’m not originally
from the planet Woog. When I was younger,
I left my home and came to the planet Earth.
So why did you come to Earth?
I got a really cool job at Cox Communications.
They provide cable TV, internet, and phone
services to lots of places in the United States.
What do you do for Cox Communications?
I’m their company mascot!
When Earth Agents think of Cox
Communications, they think of me!
That must be a big responsibility!
What does a mascot do there?
I’m a digital friend. I help people make good
decisions and I want to make sure that Earth
Agents stay safe when they use technology.
So is that why you are helping CyberHero
on Woogi World?
Yes, it is! CyberHero is doing an AMAZING job
when it comes to teaching digital safety! He’s
the best around, so I really wanted to help him!
How are you helping him?
I’m telling everyone who uses Cox Communications
about the CyberHero missions and how important
it is to go to Woogi World and complete them.
Will you be doing anything
to help on Woogi World too?
Definitely! As a new mascot on Woogi World and
CyberHero’s sidekick, I’ll be visiting Woogies and
helping them complete ALL 4 CyberHero missions.
One last question before you go...
Do you know anything about this mysterious Woogi?
Sorry, I don’t. It’s been great
talking with you though!
Alright, Earth Agents...
- Did you like learning more about Digi this week?
- Do you have any questions for Digi’s next interview?
- Who is that mysterious Woogi?
Write a blog Comment and let’s talk all about Digi!
Until next time, Earth Agents!
Big wig i think i know who that mysterious woogi is! it is the sports club guru and he or she is giving a play on how to play and win a sport..... lease that's what i think! until next time, varge
i think the mysterious woogi is a math guy or a sports guy.
yay first comment!
well it was nice to hear more about him.digi this is your old friend jgjone how come you can add us back =(.and i have no idea who that woogi is i think he is well he might be the leader of the math club.
i have no idea what i just said in my first comment!! lol (-_-)
it is woogiwise!the leader of the academic math club (current in beta testing)! i've heard of him for awhile! he's the leader of the math club.
i think that the mysterious woogi is going to be a math guru!
Im almost positive that the weird alein dude is a math teacher!!! i mean really! he has the chalk board and everything!thats what i think he is.
hello bigwig i was wondering do think this mysterious myster woogi could be a scientist or a math expert well i do he could have come to teach people the meanings of science or math the chalk and chalk board in the backround is a dead give aways that he is a math expert or a scientist thats what i think the woogi is.
i think the mysterious woogi is a teacher. and i did enjoy hearing bout digi sadly i haven't met him yet even though i want to!
I think the mysterious woogi is a math teacher writing an equasion on his chalkboard.I also love that we will now haave Digi as a mascot yay!!!!!!
bigwig i have a suggestion. can everyone on woogiworld have a bigger buddy list?
because people always ask me, "please add me spoog" ALL THE TIME.
and i say, "sorry,full list"
i think i made them feel bad! so i came straight here to tell you.
please answer, and put me out of my misery!
i saw him his name is woogwise he is like that guy in the blurry picture
i didnt kno there was a mystery woogi.does he visit woogi world
I KNOW WHO IT IS NOWi saw the full imgae and now i know ok here we go
i saw a board on there with calculations and in woogiworld wen u log in there ish a button tht says classroom but u cant go in it so i think tht dude ish a teacher woogi thingy for the classroom .D IM THE BEST BOOYA
p.s if u c me in woogiworld say hi and tell me what u think it could be of
Big wig i no watt that picture is!!!!!!!!!!!! it looks like a teacher or something holding a piece of chalk with a board if i'm right then yay wooginumber7
or maybe a sports chick lolz....
i put my mouse over the mysterious woogi and it said pww2... is it a user or a URL...
*ding dong* i've got it! at the bottom of the menu with games and woogichievements you see a chalk and a question mark! and the mysterious woogi is carrying a chalk and a black board. maybe this is the new feature!
i think varge is right the sports club is coming soon so it is very likely.
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