Thursday, April 19, 2012

How Will You Serve the Earth on Sunday?

Hi there, Earth Agents!


Everyone around the
world is celebrating
Earth Day on Sunday...

But on Woogi World
we are celebrating the

Earth Day of Service!


What Is the Earth Day of Service?


We believe that if every person in the world does a little act
of service to help the planet Earth on Sunday, then all those
little acts of service will add up to one HUGE act of service!


How Can I Help?

service0Here are some good service ideas that you can do if you
want to be a part of the Earth Day of Service on April 22:

  • Plant a tree
  • Water plants
  • Start a fruit or vegetable garden
  • Recycle your trash
  • Pick up trash on the ground
  • Use less water
  • Use less electricity
  • Ride a bike (or walk)
  • Clean your yard
  • Or anything else that helps the environment!


service1After you’re done with your service, be sure to visit the
Service Station in Woogi World and write a Service Log too.


service2Not only will you get 500 watts for your Service Log, but
your log comments may also be featured on BigWig’s Blog!


Get Your Earth Day Service Pack!

earthdayAny Woogies who help out on Earth Day of Service can
pick up their free Earth Day Service Pack from the
Prize Machine on Friday, Saturday, or Sunday!


The Earth Day Service Pack contains these essential
items to help your Woogi serve on Earth Day of Service:

recyclebinA Recycling Bin ...

earthdaytree ... an Earth Day Plant ...


service0... and the “Watering” Boogi Woogi!


What an incredible prize pack to help you serve the Earth!


Alright, Earth Agents...


- Are you helping out on Earth Day of Service?

- What good services ideas do you have for Earth Day?

- Why do you think it’s important to serve the Earth?


Write a blog Comment and let’s chat about Earth Day of Service!


Until next time, Earth Agents!


Winnie4444444 said...

I will help out and do my part to the Earth this Sunday!

For Earth Day this year I will probably help plant some flowers or pick up some garbage!

It's important to serve the Earth or the Earth will end up like one big pile of Garbage - Like on the film Wall-E!

Nickel Pickle said...

I am excited for Earth Day. I'm not sure what service i'm going to do yet, but when I do, i'm excited for the prizes.

Anonymous said...


cooldude22 said...

All the kids in my church are going to help clean up our local park. We hope that it won't be raining though. We've had a lot of rain lately.

thesherlock said...

this earth day is my brothers birthday we have decided to pick up trash and plant me and my mom are starting a garden

cdee23341 said...

I didn't do much, but I will make sure to turn off all lights in my house that do not need to be on, and recycle. I wish Earth Day was everyday, because these days people need to do a better job of saving the earth. It makes me really happy to know that even if you're doing the tiniest thing, you're still making a difference.