Thursday, May 24, 2012

A Week Full of Questions

Hi there, Earth Agents!


Wally Woog updated his
Woogipedia this week...

But that’s not the only thing
on Woogi World that has me
seeing question marks!


A Woogipedia Update


Wally Woog’s Woogipedia just got a huge update to help you
learn more about all the new things on Woogi World:


01b-digiwoogmenuThe DigiWoog 2.0 and its many Apps!


ClubExterior-GrassThe English Club and Woogi Nations buildings!


outfithop-christmasThe Outfit Hopping multiplayer game!


Woogipedia...And lots more!


You can read the Woogipedia by simply clicking the question
mark button at the bottom of your Woogi World screen:



A Photo Conundrum

My Woogi spies came to me this week with some startling
new photos of stuff that could be coming in June:



StormPartyWhat’s going on here?!



sneakpeekWhere did all those wrinkles come from?!


Can you help me solve the mystery of these spy photos?
Write me a blog comment with your guesses!


I need your help, Earth Agents...


- What exactly is happening in Spy Photo #1?

- Where do you think Spy Photo #2 was taken?


Write a blog Comment and let’s chat more about the Spy Photos!


Until next time, Earth Agents!


cooldude22 said...

I wish outfit hopping was available to play for non-celebrities. We should get more games on woogiworld.

Winnie4444444 said...

Well I think I know what spy photo #1 is since I am a Beta Tester but I don't want to give it away to everybody.

I have no idea what spy photo #2 is... Maybe a new app or English game??

Anonymous said...

#2: OLD FACE??

pcnewsboss3 said...

For spy photo no. 1 ..
Some kind of party at english club?
i dunno..
What is it winnie444444?
photo 2 ..
anniversary party maybe?
it shows celebrities as kind of getting old. you too bigwig! lol.

just guessing here.


Greeny59953 said...

I think pic. #1 is some kind of celebration for Storm Starwoog or something like that...
I think pic. #2 is some kind of device Dr. Wiggenstein made...

jessie420 said...

I agree with winnie, number 2# IS PROBABLY an app. #1 i dunno.

~It was woggikid that was here.

pcnewsboss3 said...

i dunno exactly...
i had an idea and tried to post it, but it wouldn't let me...
so am i right?
i dunno.
photo #1: English party maybe? a promotion?

Who knows.


Anonymous said...

ha!!!! I KNOW! :)

fire_bolt said...

Hello Bigwig!

Gotta say I agree with pcnewsboss3 on photo 1...
photo 2? no idea.


Ninjaoninja2 said...

I think the Spy photo #2 Is a vote for a new woogi leader or for Big Wig to stay leader thats my thought Because if you look closely theres arrows Pointing Down i think at the bottom of those arrows it will say Choose and then the Woggies name ex: Choose: Dr. Wiggestin Also how can be one of your spies I would totally like to help you big wig I found a Big Wig Agents club but not anything about your spies :(

Soapeater2 said...

No idea here.
1 looks like... a party or something. Maybe it's a Boogi Woogi?
Please excuse me if I get things wrong about woogi world. It's been so long since i've been on O-O
2 sorta looks like a close-up of woogi celebrities,b ut it's a little different. I agree with the idea that it's an app. ^-^
overuse of smilies...

cooldude22 said...

I have no clue what the first one is. The second one is probably a woogi English game...

Bean Girlie said...

I am going to have to go with what ninjaoninja2 a maybe it is a vote for a new leader on number two and in number one I think storm starwoog has just been surprised by a surprise birthday party for him.
