Thursday, August 30, 2012

A Summer to Remember!

Hello again, Earth Agents!

Summer 2012
is almost over...

Before it ends, let’s
remember some of the
good times we had!


Don’t forget about tomorrow’s party...


Summer Splash Celebration!

Friday, August 31
21:00 – 22:30 WST

You can find the Woogi VIPs in International
and at the Summer Splash campground.


Memories from Splash Camp 2012

Some of the Woogies in Summer Splash’s Splash Adventure
Club were nice enough to share their favorite summer
camp memories with all of us this week:


My favorite Splash moment was when BigWig
came and talked with us! He was having a good
time and so was I. He even said he will make a
few more visits this summer! That was my best
memory from Splash and I will never forget
when BigWig came.  
-- star_power



I think the most memorable Summer Splash
time for me was in Outfit Designer and no one
knew what the item was. It was supposed to be
a Splash Cape, but I hadn’t finished it. It was
very funny.   -- pcnewsboss3



My best Summer Splash memory is that I had
a lot of fun with the CampWoogs, especially CampWoog Drew! I have a lot of fun
with them!   -- puertoricanboy



I loved this year’s Summer Splash
because, first of all, it was my first
year joining; second of all, all of the
celebrities were so nice and they
gave me XP and played with us.
-- chesemore99



My favorite memory from Splash this year
is when I got my black belt. It was my first
black belt I have ever gotten in my life and
I will always remember it.   -- hockeyfan12



pepe12505We had fun together. I thought Summer
Splash would be boring, but if you want, you
should enter because it is the funnest club
ever, plus I have so many rare items now and
we did this together like a family!
-- pepe12505



My favorite experience here at Camp
Muddytown was the first time we played
Pictionary. I really enjoyed it and then
I started drawing really strange things.
It was fun watching people guess my
ridiculous drawings.
-- bignate123456789



fayfay101I had such a good time this Summer
Splash, I can hardly believe it! The
Auditorium was really cool! But I do
have a few particular favorites. They
have to be the Outfit Design with
Mr. Chicken (Weegor!) and the Outfit
Hopping Contest. I will miss Splash!
-- fayfay101




My favorite memory in Summer Splash is
when Wanda made a visit and created
exclusive Splash items. I love my Balloon
Hat. It is one of my favorite Splash items.
Thanks Wanda, you’re awesome!
-- corbin5



kiddude4This year Splash was worth every penny! I loved
the games we got to do every day along with the
Celebrity Events. I liked earning belts and
getting rewarded for our advancements. Also
getting to see CampWoog Sean and Drew every
day was awesome!   –- kiddude4



hriMy favorite Summer Splash memory was just
everything! The celebrity visits were great
this year and all the games and I learned so
much this year and it was just a perfect
summer and Woogi World, you did a great
job this year!   -- hri



masterofspySummer Splash this year has been very
fun and I have enjoyed it very much.
The Auditorium is filled with magical
events! There are lots of prizes, but I
enjoyed it more than the prizes. Its
events were fun with a bit of teaching
in the Trivia! Summer Splash is FUN!
-- masterofspy


So, Earth Agents...


- What are you favorite Woogi memories from the summer?

- Do you want Summer Splash to return next year?


Write a blog Comment and let’s chat more about Summer 2012!


Until next time, Earth Agents!


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

My favorite memory is when everyone would rush into the woog flix area to hear other people talk. Every week I was a loyal visitor to that tent.

pcnewsboss3 said...

Ha! I'm in here! HA!

Splash was great!


katcar said...

Yes, I would like Summer Splash to return next year, because it was very fun this year.

Unknown said...

wow summer is gone fast