Thursday, September 20, 2012

The Spies of Sector 7Z

Hello there, Earth Agents!


Lots of big news has
been coming out of
Sector 7Z recently...

Haven’t I told you
about Sector 7Z
before now?


What Is Sector 7Z?

MissionHQOlder Woogies may remember the old Mission HQ
building that used to be in Woogi World.


DirectHitUnfortunately the building had to be destroyed
and moved to a new “top secret” location.


WoogiSpyIts new location is simply called Sector 7Z and it’s now
home to Woogi spy training and surveillance monitoring.


How Woogi Spies Send Secret Stuff

MusicClub - SpyPhoto2Most of the spy photos that I receive come out of Sector 7Z,
but it’s not always easy to keep the secret photos safe.


bigwig-envelopeSometimes I have to brave terrible weather to get them...


BigWigVacation2aOr I have to travel to the middle of nowhere to
pick them up from a secret spot...


BigWigDeskBut sometimes I just find them
sitting on my desk at the office!


The Latest Spy News

My Woogi spies in Sector 7Z have come close to discovering
what they believe is a brand new Woogi game. Take a look:

sneakpeek4What do you think is shown in this spy photo?
Write a response in the blog comments below!


Alright, Earth Agents...


- If the Woogi spies are correct, what could the game be?

- Do you think something else is shown in the spy photo?

- How cool would it be to visit Sector 7Z?


Write a blog Comment and let’s chat more about Woogi Spies!


Until next time, Earth Agents!


greeny59953 said...

i guess "sector 7z" looks cool a..a

Anonymous said...

I think it's a new memory multiplayer game on woogiworld featuring four players which will go to finals. This is a great addition to woogiworld!

imabossinahonda said...

i seriously have no idea.....hope it is fun

Anonymous said...

I think it's a memory game. It looks fun! ~~~Rosalie00

uzy422 said...

I think it is a matching game aka memory for more than one person. Maybe each person has to try to make a match, and the player with the most matches, wins!! PLEASE LET US VISIT SECTOR 7Z!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I remember the HQ! Kind of sad we had to take it down. Although it was fun destroying it haha.


Anonymous said...

Ooooh i remember the old hq now. Tasty.

~banana "snow" suger

Anonymous said...

i dont't no i wasen here for long on woogi world what happen to it anyway

Anonymous said...

I Don't Have Any Idea About Sector 7Z, What's That...

Titanic_0 =.'.= Titanic_8

Anonymous said...

It looks like a memory game.
