Thursday, February 7, 2013

A Heart Full of... Fun!

Hello again, Earth Agents!


Anyone that knows me
knows that I just LOVE
a good party...

So I’m super excited about
the Valentine’s Day Party
on Wednesday!


Valentine’s Day Party!


Wednesday, February 13

22:30 – 24:00 WST

Come to International and join in all the fun with the
Woogi celebrities and lots of other Woogies! There will
be games, prizes, and a whole lot more!


A Woogi World Valentine to You!

PMSpinVisit the Prize Machine on Wednesday or Thursday
to get your free Valentine’s Day gift from Woogi World!


2013vdaygiftI’m not good at taking photos, but the gift will
look sort of like that. Can you tell what it is?


Give Your Own Valentines Too!

VdayFactory2013 Don’t forget to visit the Valentine Factory in its new location!
You can make your own cool-looking Woogi valentines and
give them out to all your friends and family members!


So, Earth Agents...


- Are you excited for the Valentine’s Day Party?

- Have you used the Valentine Factory yet?

- What do you think the secret Valentine gift will be?


Write a blog Comment and let’s chat more about Valentine’s Day!


Until next time, Earth Agents!


Anonymous said...

I think it's a woogi holding up a heart of...of....CHOLCATEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!
