Thursday, June 7, 2012

Some Summer Surprises Spied...

Hello again, Earth Agents!


Maybe you can help me out...

My Woogi spies report that
lots of new stuff is coming to
Woogi World this summer.
See their photos below and
tell me what they’ve found!


What Could They Be?

Here are the new summer photos taken by my Woogi spies.
I wonder where they were that made these photos so wet!



bbblurThis looks familiar, except for one thing...



blurredColorful, but still mysterious...



sneakpeek2bIt sort of looks like television static...
... or a zebra party?


Can you help me figure out what my Woogi spies found?
Write me a blog comment with your best guesses!


I need your help, Earth Agents...


- Why is Spy Photo #1 so important?

- Where was Spy Photo #2 taken?

- What does Spy Photo #3 show us?


Write a blog Comment and let’s chat more about the Spy Photos!


Until next time, Earth Agents!


Anonymous said...

The first photo is about woogi english, but i don't know what is the green thing...

The second pitcure is summer splash! =D

The third picture has to be with celebrities! I can see bigwig and yy in the picture. Maybe they're playing?


Anonymous said...

Well the first photo looks like the woogi english club.
The second photo looks like summer splash. ( YAY!For summer splash.o^_^o)

But i really don`t know what the third photo is...a celebrity meeting or something like that?...I just really wanna know what the third picture is! >_<

Anonymous said...

I think the third 1 looks weird...mabye its a new group game!!! Cant wait 2 find out >_< :)

Anonymous said...

The first one is english club main and the second one is summer splash and the third one has something to do with the celebrities -wingstorm

club penguin cheats said...

well,i think theres a new english game or strorm starwoog is going to be a celbrity
second its a summer splash i am exicted cuz my first time
ok and the last one well i can see bigwig and 3 more and it looks like a new woogi game!!


Winnie4444444 said...

- Why is Spy Photo #1 so important?

- Where was Spy Photo #2 taken?

- What does Spy Photo #3 show us?

I think the first picture is Storm Starwoog in the English Club maybe...

The second one is from last years summer splash!

The third picture could have something to do with the second picture from 2 weeks ago... It looks like celebrities...

PomPom22 said...

I think Photo 1 is imoportant because somehow they are gonna do something in the summer relating to an english club upgrade.

Photo 2 was taken at summer splash last year.

And I think the third one is showing the map of summer splash and as you get upgrades you are able to travel places around the camp.

Those are my guesses!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

1. The first one are the new things coming this summer splash.

2.The Woogi English Club And The Green Blob Is Storm Star Woog in he first coming.

3. I...I..Just do not know


Beta Tester

Anonymous said...

The first one is the woogi english club.

The second is at summer splash.

The third is a new matching group games where you match things and take turns doing it. The celebrities are playing it.


Anonymous said...

the cool girl says...
the first picture looks like the woogi english room and the green thing ia a woogi

the second thing looks like summer spash

the third looks like a celebrity meeting


Anonymous said...

1. MAYBE a woogi english item?
3. On a recent blog post, there had something to do with ice cream. i can see ice cream with woogi celebrities. Maybe it's like a... Ice cream learning game...?
~Pianostar :)

cooldude22 said...

1. Woogi English Club

2. Summer Splash (Woohoo!)

3. A four player game (unsure)

pcnewsboss3 said...

I think the first picture is connected some how with the spy photo of Storm Starwoog tooken a while ago... The second is definately summer splash. The third- I don't know... I think I agree with morganfay there- could be the celebs playing a matching game. Well- just guessing :-)!

Hope there's something cool going on!!!

Anonymous said...

1. The first one is woogi english because i can tell by the picture of star woog .

2. The second one is summer splash ( Cant wait ! )

3. The third one is the celebrities because i can see YY .