Thursday, March 29, 2012

Go for the Gold, Woogichievers!

Hello, Earth Agents!


Lots of Woogies are leveling up
this week because of them...

So let’s take a look at the
new Gamer Woogichievements
that are now available to you!


The New Woogichievements!

It’s amazing! It’s unbelievable!
It’s 32 new Woogichievements!


All 32 Woogichievements can be earned by
playing the multiplayer games on Woogi World.

Here, take a look at all of them:

Wow! That sure is a lot of Woogichievements!


All Those Woogichievements Points!


With those 32 new Woogichievements,
you can earn 800 more points!

Holy moly, that’s a lot of points!



That’s almost enough points to go from
the rank of CaveWoog to Builder!


Good luck earning the new Woogichievements!

Be Careful This Sunday!


Wiggiwalker has sent word to me that cosmic waves
will be hitting the planet Woog on Sunday, April 1!


I hope nothing will happen like last year ...


... or the year before ...


... or the year before that ...


... but I wanted to warn you just in case!


Alright, Earth Agents...


- Do you like the 32 new Woogichievements?

- How many of them have you completed so far?

- Do you think the cosmic waves will affect the planet?


Write a blog Comment and let’s chat about the Woogichievements!


Until next time, Earth Agents!


Winnie4444444 said...

Cool new woogichievements! I've earned a few, not a lot. I think the cosmic waves will affect the planet again and I hope it does because I wanna find out what it will be this year :D

Greeny59953 said...

I can't wait until the rays hit us!! I also love the new achievements!!

Anonymous said...

Awesome woogichievements! I've earned some of them not all of them. ----rosalie00

Anonymous said...

me llike wekewoogiwlrd iittrt fun fun likeee itt marioman2 ifrjfrjd i likje w9ooigi fun

Psychokick said...

These are awesome achievements! This is a good time to have them because I have been practicing these games and I almost got all of the achievements done! I had moved to level 5!(Samurai) I have been good at these achievements I hope we get more. This was a good idea for the ranks. I never saw anything like it! This is the best account I had. I go on this website almost everyday! For a year exactly. I'll also do feedback's for more ideas.

Psychokick said...

This is so awesome to have a blog lol and the achievements! :D

Psychokick said...

Feeling kinda down it is gray out today no color. I don't even feel like to write. I can't take this! I took a picture with wally that was horrible! My dad tricked me and said we were going to the movies! I almost cried!

Psychokick said...

I am looking at the pictures on my digiwoog "cuz there colorful.

funkier_pink said...

Yesterday (Saturday) when dr wiggenstien visited the whole of woogi world went grey.

Is this a wave???? because i am new and i don't know.

great achievements!!!

Anonymous said...

The wave turns everything GRAY! Not as good as last year though. or year before. or the year before.........

Psychokick said...

I like it when we were all YY's!! amazing yahoo!