Thursday, March 1, 2012

Robo-Woog Lends a Helping Hand

Hello again, Earth Agents!


This is all that’s left of the
Valentine Factory. So sad...

Luckily there’s some new stuff in Woogi World this week to help cheer us up!


A New Face on Woogi World

I’d like to introduce you to Robo-Woog:


Robo-Woog is not a Woogi celebrity. He’s not even a Woogi!
Robo-Woog is an android that just looks like a Woogi.

Robo-Woog’s job is to help you learn how to play on
Woogi World when you use the Woogi Helper.


The Woogi Helper

The Woogi Helper will help new Earth Agents learn how to
use Woogi World and complete important Woogichievements.

Here’s how it works:

Sparkles1) Certain items that are linked to Woogichievements
will sparkle when you are in Woogi World.


SparklesHelp2) Move your mouse cursor over the sparkling item
and a NEED HELP? button will appear. Click it.


Slide13) The Woogi Helper will open and Robo-Woog will show
you what to do to complete the Woogichievement.


Slide24) First, watch carefully to see what Robo-Woog does.


Slide35) Then repeat what you saw Robo-Woog do.
(There will be help in case you forget anything.)


NoSparkles6) The sparkles will disappear when you have completed the
Woogi Helper tutorial. And they will disappear forever
after you earn the Woogichievement for that item.


The Woogi Helper Comes on Friday!

Starting tomorrow, you can begin using some of the
Woogi Helper tutorials that are coming to Woogi World:

NavigationTutLearn how to move around in Woogi World!


WarpTutLearn how to use the Warp Zone to travel to different places!


OutfitterTutLearn how to use everything in the Outfitter device!


And that’s not all... Lots more Woogi Helper
tutorials are coming really soon!


So, Earth Agents...


- Do you like Robo-Woog?

- Will you use the Woogi Helper?

- What items in Woogi World do you think need
Woogi Helper tutorials to help confused Woogies?


Write a blog Comment and let’s chat about the Woogi Helper!


Until next time, Earth Agents!


Winnie4444444 said...

Robo- woog is cool! I'll do them all! I think you should maybe do how to use your elevator or how to change the message on your wall....

bignate123456789 said...


Anonymous said...

Robo-Woog is awesome!!! i can't wait for Robo-Woog to do help woogies!!!!!!!! --rosalie00

Anonymous said...

it should tell us how to use the wishing well...


cooldude22 said...

i think this is will be very helpful for woogies who don't know how to play woogiworld.

Anonymous said...

it will be cool if it will tell you how to earn belts in shortcut - maybe possible future. lol but it it quite cool! I love the robo woog, my friend is loving woogiworld more since he has a seconded helping hand! thnx!


skipy123 said...

i only like it cause it gives you points :D

Anonymous said...

I Need Help On Chatterbox and Best Bud Woogchievments ---Psychokick

Anonymous said...

hmph i wont rlly use it that much dont need to lern how to use anything XD

shammaas4 ^.^

Anonymous said...

Robo-woog is actually cool.My friend was new to woogiworld and actually needed help so i said there is a new helper called Robo-woog who helps out woogies.She was like oh that is so cool! I was like i know right! lolz (=^.^=)

nickel_pickle said...

Hi, i'm Nickel Pickle, a new woogi on Woogi World. Yesterday, I warped to International for my fist time. Robo Woog helped me find how to do things, and without it, I would know way less things about Woogi World, and it probably would've taken me another day or two to figure things out. Remember to look for Nickel Pickle's Newsstand!

Anonymous said...

Hey Hey!!! wooga'ys How you all doing robowoog is the best thanks robowoog lol you are a great robot I mean great won:) Robowoog+tutorial+with a robot=Great!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Robo....---Psychokick:)

Anonymous said...

Lol People are crazy just give me a break there is something wrong i thing people write long messages Yy pianostar bigwig lol dr.... um don't know maybe me that means..... EEK! i am crazy lol robowoog you still aweosme to let you know... I need more help with my woogi like how are other woogies getting more cool stuff then me i want cool stuff I don't get'em i am mad about that that is just sad really sad wish i can have a wish machine lol really i want one it is natural lol can i please have one please i'll give you watts do anything pweasssssssssssssssss Hope so do it now !! if you don't grrr reminder....... wish machine!!!!! Hope you give me one and do more woogichevments got'it know u do YAY!!!! I'll get one i know it i know it i started this ten minutes ago this is a long message why i am telling everything that happened lol....---Psychokick:)

Greeny59953 said...

Robo-woog is super cool, just like a celebrity... but robot! You should make new achievements like wishing well, games, and also help us earn new belts!!!